a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Hubby and I took a ride on the Gator to enjoy the beauty around us.  We had a hitchhiker...eating lunch.
We drove through the brush and between trees and broke a web. This arachnid would not release lunch.  
As expensive as lunch is these days, I do not blame the spider.
Far from its home it finally ran over and off the Gator.


Lee said...

He's a weird looking fellla!

eileeninmd said...

It is a strange looking spider! Have a happy day and week ahead!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What a freaky looking spider. You know what I'm going to ask - what kind is it?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

are you kidding me??? that gator is OPEN and he could have blown on me... the spider would have to be removed or no Sandra on board the gator. great shots of him/her

Lynne said...

Not pretty . . .
Poisonous! . . .

Gail said...

For Alex: The “Arrowshaped Micrathena” is a unique little orbweaver found in the eastern U.S. west to Nebraska and Texas. The shape and coloration of the female make it easily identifiable. The orb web of this species is usually built in low bushes in open deciduous woodlands and along forest edges.

Susan said...

I would not be sharing space with that fella/gal. I acknowledge the usefulness of spiders, but whoa. I get the heebeegeebies just thinking about it.

gld said...

I would have been off that ATV so fast......I hate walking into or driving into spider webs.

That is a strange looking one.

Haddock said...

Lynne says its Poisonous !!
IS it ?

Ginny Hartzler said...

EEEwwwww! I have never seen one like this! I have severe arachnophobia, so of course I would have screamed and run. Leaving Phil to get rid of it as usual. Great close-ups.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Gahh, that's got to be the most horrible looking spider I have ever seen!
Lynne x

Martha said...

Wow, I've never seen anything like it! So different.

Country Gal said...

YIKES ! great shots . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Deb said...

Hi Gail - just found you through Henny's blog. Your blog is fun so I'm following along. I'm new to the country-life and although ancient, I have lots to learn. :) Deb (Ontario, Canada)

Judy said...

Some of those really big ones are scary...this guy seemed to be distracted by lunch...good thing...

LindaG said...

Your typical good pictures when it comes to spiders, Gail. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh...he77, no...I would have had to remove him from the vehicle...or remove myself. *augh*

Sandy Livesay said...


I'm not a fan of spiders at all. We have one that keeps weaving a web between the house and the grill. And every night I hose the web down with water, the next night this spider is back out weaving yet another large web.

Did I tell you I hate spiders?

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