It was a cooler day this morning but I was feeling a little under the weather. I guess I got too hot the day before. So I decided to stay in or rather Hubby TOLD me to stay in and rest. He took off on the tractor.
He has been busy planting food plots for wildlife this winter. He also wanted to bush hog (mow) the pastured land so the new grass would have a good start before winter.
I did some paper work after my head stopped hurting and my stomach settled. I called the internet server to fix my wireless extender that they messed up (a complete story by itself). When that was resolved I decided to take Hubby a cool drink.
The dogs and I headed out. Lizzy riding shotgun with me in the Gator and the others running free. We could not hear the tractor anywhere. So I drove and they ran with a joy only dogs can show.
We traveled up and down hills stopping to listen now and then.
We stopped to cool and get a drink at every watering hole while listening and looking for the Tractor Man.
It was warmer than we thought
and the water saved us all.
All this trouble to take Tractor Man a cold drink! (Persimmon on top of can) I went places I haven't driven following the mowed brush. I headed down one hill and decided, nope, no way, not going down there cause I have to drive out. Stopped at the next pond to let the dogs cool again. Walked down to look at the water and felt something crawling on me...
seed ticks!!!! Too tiny even for a macro lens!!! I tried to wash them off, swept some away with a cedar branch and headed home. Still no tractor sound. Stopped at the creek and by this time my imagination had seed ticks all over me! Tried once more to wash them off.
Went to the house. Took a shower and heard the tractor pulling in.
Where had he been?? That hill that I would not drive down has a dry pond at the bottom. He was down there removing grass seed from his radiator grill with the tractor turned off.
Hubby's not worth the misery of seed ticks. He laughed but now his imagination is feeling the crawl!