a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Never Alone

Seems I'm never alone,
full sun nor shade.
 They gather to the pack leader
 or the one who feeds them...that's my guess.
They inspect my work
and keep a careful watch over me.
That paint bucket could have a hidden treat.  
You never know.
Finished outdoor table for zeroing sights with denim sandbags ready to use.
Rifle season is soon.


Sketching with Dogs said...

Dip always used to stand next to me when I was doing my housework. I think she was checking I made a proper job of it. 😄
Lynne x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE photo number 3... so sweet all five of them HELPING mama paint... prettiest ever sand bags...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww- loyal companions. If I start a project in the house,Katie will be all up in my koolaid within 5 minutes. The rest of the day she ignores me...except when it is supper time. LOL!

Country Gal said...

The best company ever to . Miggs is always with us nosing at what we are doing and getting treats for it every now and then lol ! Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

gld said...

And we can't seem to manage even one dog. We are just too close to the road...I do miss having a dog laying out in the yard.

Yours seem so content. Lucky them and you.

I like that table!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is so nice to be surrounded by your close friends.

They are all sweet furbabies. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Lynne said...

Staying close to their "momma" . . .
The hand that feeds them . . .

Martha said...

You're in good company and so are they!

only slightly confused said...

You wouldn't have it any other way lol.

Susan said...

Dogs make the best supervisors, don't they?

Harry Flashman said...

It's a good thing, isn't it. When I walk down to the mailbox, both dogs go. But I have had as many as eight cats follow me down too. They stop and wait at the gate, all of them stretched out by the little pool the spring makes there. When I come dragging back up the mountain in about half an hour or so, they all get up and walk home with me.

LindaG said...

I hope a lot of great eats are coming your way, Gail.
Blessings to you all!

Arkansas Patti said...

Isn't it great? And while they are more watchful than helpful, they are totally non-judgmental of our work. Love it.
Those are impressive sandbags.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the table! It is the color of our living room. Even pretty sandbags. Wow, you have a lot of dogs! You are their pack leader.

Ida said...

Gosh I didn't realize how many dogs you have. Sort of like us and our cats.

Adam said...

I can only handle one dog.

TexWisGirl said...

i like your pack.

Lowcarb team member said...

So lovely to see them together in your third photo.

All the best Jan

Truedessa said...

Well, it looks like you always have company...

21 Wits said...

They are, after all, the best company in the entire world!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Beautifully done table! And yes, they always have to be right there observing and inspecting, mine do too. They are particularly interested when I'm busy in the kitchen, I wonder why that is?! ;-))

Lee said...

All eyes are upon you! :)

Anonymous said...

Critters are excellent company. You have a good pack.

Susan Anderson said...

Yep. Pack leader: that's you.


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