a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Deep Woods Spider Web

The sun shined off the web
and the owner ran like crazy.
Found the little lady hiding from me.
These weavers are always extremely ugly in my book.
Maybe that was their trade off for being able to weave so beautifully.
I'm glad spiders aren't as big as cattle.


only slightly confused said...

Their webs are beautiful shining with drops of dew...spider laundry hung in the wind to dry.

TexWisGirl said...

haha. yup.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

both photos are awesome. I love spider webs and their beautiful details as long as I don't accidently walk through one. you may be right about the ugly making so pretty things.. and they do it so fast

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos . I like photographing webs to and fungi all can look so different . Thanks for sharing , have a good week .

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the webs, the first circle web is awesome. I sometimes have hubby walking in front of my to knock down some webs across the trail, lol.

Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Martha said...

Wonderful photos, especially the spider web. That's such a great shot!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Not only is this an amazingly beautiful photo, but I think you've caught on to something here. Sometimes those beings we view as the plainest or God's creations have a hidden gift to do the most wonderful things... that is true of people also!

Susan said...

While I have a healthy respect (at long distances) for spiders, I have a complete adoration of their webs - things of amazement and beauty! Thank you for your wonderful photographs!

Sketching with Dogs said...

No artist could make something so exquisitely beautiful.
If spiders were as big as cattle, I would never leave the house!
Lynne x

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beautiful shot.
If they were that big, we'd all be lunch. Or in some bad B-flick like Tarantula.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is rare to find a web this large and perfect that is this big. Usually somewhere along the way, they get damaged. They are very pretty when the sun shines on them!

Henny Penny said...

Fall sure is the time for big ugly spiders. I've thought about that too...what if spiders were as big as cattle. Can you imagine!

Arkansas Patti said...

Like how you were able to track down the builder. That looks like the web I ran into the other morning and frantically hoped the builder was absent. Sure takes a while getting all those strands off you.

Ida said...

Super cool web. Yes the "weavers" are a bit creepy looking but oh so fascinating to watch. - We've been watching 2 different spiders and their webs lately. I find behind a camera they aren't quite as scary.

Lowcarb team member said...

Spiders webs are a work of art.

I always enjoy seeing them when we have crisp, slighlty frosty mornings ... perhaps a little later in the year.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

'slighlty frosty mornings'

Oops that should read slightly frosty mornings!

All the best Jan

Adam said...

Spiders the size of cows, no thank you

LindaG said...

Great photos, Gail. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I respect spiders, outside, in their homes, but NOT in mine. I am fascinated by their webs, especially the orb weavers. Bill loves the Golden Orb; they are absolutely huge!

You captured these beautifully. Well done, my friend.

gld said...

It is ugly. So was the one outside the back porch door but I just couldn't get a good picture. I need to re-learn my camera.

Lynne said...

They make a beautiful web but that is as close as a LIKE I will get to a Deep Woods Spider . . .

Susan Anderson said...

That web is amazing!

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