a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Spider Time!!!!!

Lunch is a wrap!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bad pun!
We get that last one here. They call them web weavers and they get really big.

only slightly confused said...

We don't see nearly as many now as when we first moved here 30 years ago.

TexWisGirl said...

love it.

LindaG said...


I've seen the first two around here. Occasionally see the last one.

In Okinawa, they have one similar to the last one, and can get 3-4 inches or more. HUGE! I hated waking up to go to work and find out they built a web on my porch so I couldn't get out the door before getting my broom!
If I have to see one, I prefer the smaller ones.

Great photos, Gail. Have a blessed day. ^_^

Jo said...

I love spiders so enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

We have the first one and the last one here and the first one is the one that was in my bathroom that made me get out peppermint oil

eileeninmd said...

Hello, you do have a great variety of spiders there. We are seeing more stink bugs here lately. Wonderful photos. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

21 Wits said...

You sure know how to make a cool post, with a spider even! I have a spider story myself, who knew (until I began working at Target) that there is a spider spray for inside your house. I have to wonder though, wouldn't that spray be more harmful than say what a spider could do? I asked the guest requesting some, and there it was on the shelf, and I mentioned you know spiders are really important for all those other bad bugs. Her reply, oh yeah, but no spiders for inside my house!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It shall henceforth be noted that I am a super duper follower of yours, because I visit even with spider warnings! I just use my peripheral vision and hardly look.

Arkansas Patti said...

You certainly have a variety of spiders. I seem to only have brown and hairy. That white and black one was interesting.

Susan said...

While I am not a real fan of spiders, I respect them from a safe distance.

gld said...

I only recognize that black and yellow one. I am beginning to walk into webs outside now.....not my favorite thing to do.

Great observation and pictures.

Adam said...

I need a sign at my house


1st Man said...

Those pics are awesome. I've been taking some pics of our garden spiders (those big giant kinds, like the one in your last picture) and they are so fascinating to watch up close. I stood there and watched one work on it's web for probably 30 minutes. It was mesmerizing.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Fascinating! Everything through your eyes and the lens of your camera becomes interesting and beautiful in it's own way! You should be selling these photos to publications! I am weird because I like spiders, as long as they aren't crawling up my leg or dropping onto my head! Snakes, no, can't love 'em, but spiders are cool, especially big fuzzy ones! :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

You have more variety than we do!

If we should have any house spiders we always call them Fred.
I can't remember how this started - but the children, when they were unsure of spiders would always call me 'Mum, Freds here again can you put him outside please'

Those were the days, they're all grown up now with homes (and in some cases children) of their own.

All the best Jan

Susan Anderson said...

Lunch is a wrap, indeed.


Nice collection of spiders.

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