a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, September 30, 2016

Chestnuts and Figs

It's fall
 and the chestnuts are falling.
The trees look prehistoric to me.
A disease killed out the native Chinquapin years ago.
Dad planted a few chestnuts.
He also planted figs which aren't supposed to grow in our climate.
Dad's love of figs began when he cowboy-ed in California. 
You had a great crop of figs this year, Dad.
Your chestnuts are plentiful, too.
The figs are far easier to pick
I wish you'd planted the chestnuts much further from the house, Dad.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Ahh..chestnuts. We had chestnut tree's in Portland Oregon and they were huge and beautiful..but of course I was only 6 years old..or so.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever eaten one.
So..Gail..how are you my dear friend? :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

These are all from my past. We had figs until I was ten years old and then from age 10 to 15 we had all the other things you have pictures of. I thought those things were chinky pins did not know how it was spelled. Your photos are amazing your Rebel skills are showing

only slightly confused said...

Where I am the only chestnut trees that will grow are horse chestnuts and you can't eat those. We had a tree on our place when I was a kid...I used to take a basket of them to school for the kids to play 'conkers' with.

TexWisGirl said...

the chestnuts are funky things!

camp and cottage living said...

It's wonderful, Gail, that you are able to live where your family invested there love for the land! Those prickly covers would sure be hard on the feet. Especially for a women that likes to go barefooten!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos . The squirrels here love the chestnuts ours look different and we see them often scurrying away with them in their mouth to their hidy hole . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

21 Wits said...

I enjoy all of your images this morning, especially the first one and I'm thinking since I'm here in Alabama that they have that same cool thing here! I will check it out, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the chestnuts are kind of weird looking. I remember being in NYC and smelling the chestnuts being sold by the street vendors. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Susan said...

I used to be totally in love with chestnuts as a child - those fuzzy husks! I have figs for the first time on my fig tree, but it spends the winter months inside.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I love chestnuts, to eat and to draw - they are so unusual looking!
Lynne x

Empty Nester said...

Your dad was a cowboy? That's freaking awesome! I love the Christmas Song that mentions chestnuts but I've never eaten one. My grandmother LOVED figs and 'put up' fig preserves every year. They were delicious!

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have many Chestnut trees too. There are different kinds, like American Chestnut and Horse Chestnut. Last I heard, the American is getting more rare. Anne Frank wrote about the chestnut tree she could see from the window in her hiding place. She loved it and looked on it as a symbol of hope. It was so old that a support was made for it. It finally fell not too long ago.

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad the Chestnut tree has survived and is making a comeback. Those hulls sure look imposing. Do you roast any of the nuts?

Josie Two Shoes said...

Roasted chestnuts are wonderful! But yes, more yardwork cleanup for you! Can't you teach the dogs to retrieve them and put them in a basket? :-) I love cooked fig fillings, etc, but have never seen one grown. Yum!! I know your father must be so very proud of you and that you share his love for the land. <3

The Furry Gnome said...

Now those are two things we don't get here - too far north.

LindaG said...

Aw. *hugs* ^_^

We have a fig bush. Always see plenty of green ones, but they mysteriously disappear before they ripen.

Though most likely they get eaten before we know, haha.

I am glad we get a little respite from the humidity!

Hope you all have a blessed weekend, Gail.

Lee said...

I give a fig! I wish someone would give me a fig...or three! :)

gld said...

Don't step on those wicked looking hulls with your bare feet!

I have never seen a chestnut tree or the nuts. Do you roast yours?

Lynne said...

Those Chestnuts have a prickly looking coat!
Not good for bare feet!
Happy about your great "fig year!"
Happy chestnut and fig picking days my friend!

Anonymous said...

As a kid, we had fig trees in SE Texas. Acorns and walnuts are falling here, as well as pine cones.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love those chestnuts ...

All the best Jan

Susan Anderson said...

Had to chuckle at your chestnuts comment.


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