a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fern Bed Finished!

I actually ashamed of the before.  The rains have been good and I have been inattentive.   The Before
and the after.
I do like junk so now it's yard art.
The white crystal rocks came from Mt. Ida.
My vacation rocks from the South West.
Yep, that's where we went.
There were signs everywhere
"Do not take the rocks"
Yo comprenda English!
Yes, Alex, I have a sink in my fern bed!
 I have an entire bathroom in my yard.
The spout runs water over more great rocks
in the sink
then sends the water to my ferns..


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good job organizing and tidying up that bed, Gail. If ever you want ferns, come to our yard...we have millions...literally!!!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

recycle art and all beautiful.. i like those last two photos. it is beautiful.. i love ferns and these are great..you done good recycle queen...

Lynne said...

Love those ferns . . . I think it is time to relax, take a break!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A sink and a bathtub - you are a true Southerner!
Looks like the ferns were still growing fine when surrounded by weeds.

Dreaming said...

Yay, you! It looks beautiful!

Michaele said...

My goodness you are a hard worker! Love that you being home rocks for your yard.

Sketching with Dogs said...

The fern bed looks great - and the yard art!
Lynne x

Henny Penny said...

You are getting so much done! The fern bed looks good. All of my flower beds look worse than your "before" picture. I'm feeling overwhelmed!

Susan Anderson said...

So cool. Wish I were there to check it out in person!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a huge difference! Now you can actually see the beauty of each fern! Your rocks look beautiful. Some day maybe do a close up of them! The sink is brilliant!

Farm Girl said...

Wow what a lot of hard work. Your fern bed looks really nice.
I like all of the rocks you have there. I don't think you can ever have too many rocks.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hey that turned out great! I'm a big fan of re-purposed stuff- I have a pink bathtub that I need to find a use for...just haven't had a good brainstorm on it yet!

Grace said...

Good job Gail ~ The garden looks lovely now ~

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I do like your yard art for sure.

gld said...

Very nice! I could use you up here!

Maude Lynn said...

Looks good!

LindaG said...

If I was to do that, it would look like junk. You do that, and it is great!
You have a good eye for seeing out of the box, Gail. :-)
Have a great week! ♥

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