a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, July 3, 2014

I Keep Avoiding That Fern Bed...

I'm not sure why.  Maybe by the time it's in the shade I'm already exhausted from something else.  I worked on the water garden with the big rocks Hubby brought me.  You can hear the water as you sit in the swing on the screen porch.  This is a smaller garden but Bonnie loves it anyway.  So do all the dogs.  That's one reason I had to work on it today.
I spread the ash pile from all the limbs and stump we burned.  No luck with the fire lasting this long but I do have another pile ready to burn.
I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched.  There's the culprit! I could feel his eyes on me.  I was messing with his play house.
Bonnie and Lizzy approved the sitting rock.  They inspected every thing I did.  Bonnie wanted to know if I had fish.  I lied.  I told her absolutely not.
Tested by all.  Approved.  Of course they are the reason I had to work on it in the first place.  Don't tell them about the Koi. 
The water is now fresh and clear.  Rock replaced.  We'll see how long that lasts.  


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Do the dogs mess with the koi?

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha love it - the photos are great and Bonnie looks quite happy in there. I would love to create something like this, if TM wants to drop over with his tractor n some big rocks. Have a wonderful day - hugz to Marcy n all. Its been 109 temps the past few days - it never gets that hot here?

Lynne said...

Looking good . . . not sure how you'll keep Bonnie out of there though. I think she has marked that cool water HER place . . . Hope some rest happens for you on the Fourth!

Empty Nester said...

LOVE it! Your furry family members are as spoiled as Tucker. Admit it. LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know i love the rock inspectors and the bonnie with her on spa.. smiling now... i am betting she will find the koi AND the lily pads... wonder how long it will take...when do we get pics of the lily pond tub

TexWisGirl said...

bonnie cracks me up. good luck, fishies! and froggy, too!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

you live an interesting and creative life embroidered with all the critters that surround you.
I think I am back now. Been in the hospital with pneumonia, home now with lots of lovely meds to make me more of a wack job than I already am.
I'll enjoy catching up on the tales of your neck of the woods. xoxo OMa Linda (officially able to breathe again)

Irene said...

You are a miracle worker and I just don't know how you do it and where in the name of god you get all that energy. You must have the muscles of a truck driver. I stand in awe of you, did you know that?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Who or what IS that under the big flat rock? Maybe a cat?

Henny Penny said...

I love all the rocks and ponds. Don't you have to laugh when you look up and see Bonnie watching with that face of her's? She is so cute!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I think Bonnie is your water dog and some fish would be great fun for her:)

Truedessa said...

I enjoyed seeing the pictures..it looks like a nice place to sit and meditate..so tranquil..just lovely..

Susan Anderson said...

It looks wonderful, Gail! I love to hear running water (except from a faucet...)


Susan Anderson said...


make that a LEAKY faucet...


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