a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Many Hats...

There are many hats we wear in a life time, some all the time, some only a few times but the importance of that hat is not lessened.  I had a postal hat but I've laid that aside as I have many hats in my past. My current hats include but limited to those below.
At The Shop hat
Sweating boat-loads hat
My Wife hat
My construction/repair hat
My explorer hat
My cattle feeding hat
My cattle working hat
My rock hunting hat
and a hat I don't wear anymore.

We wear our hats with pride or in hiding due to our choices but we all have hats.  Wear them well.  Be proud of the hat you wear...change 'em around just for fun.  Maybe wear someone else's hat for awhile and look at the world differently but love the hat you wear.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The cool part is those are all hats you choose to wear.

TexWisGirl said...

nice one.

Buttons Thoughts said...

LOVE this post and I would love to come see all those hats you wear so well. Great post. Hug B

DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed your post. I have a few hats too.

LilliStJohn said...

Never really thought about it, but we all have worn different hats throughout our lives. What a really neat post. I am just now thinking about all my hats. he,he Golly, there's a bunch. Have a wonderful day. Hello to Marcy n family :)

The Furry Gnome said...

I like your analogy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the one hat you are wearing that i wish i could wear and can't is the build/repair hat.. i can't even get under that house and sit there like you are, much less fix anything. you wear all your hats well and that is a great accomplishment... wonder what hat you have on today?

Lynne said...

Excellent . . . loved this Gail!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

loved this post. love your pictures as well. Yep, we all had and will have hats....life is good.

Sandy Livesay said...

A hat for every trade!!! You look good in each hat, nothing like wearing them with pride.

Farm Girl said...

I like all of your hats. You are very versatile in your work. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are of woman of may hats...I think you also wear a caregiver hat... which can be a real heavy hat to carry.

Susan Kane said...

My hat collection has diminished, since I gave them to a consignment store.

But my metaphorical hats are always at the ready. Today it is the vacuuming hat, then the laundry hat.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh, Gail, I do love all my hats...all the time!...:)JP

Michaele said...

These photos of you all made me smile. Isn't life wonderful?

Dreaming said...

It was great fun to see you wearing your different hats. You are right… we should all try on different hats just to see how they feel!

LindaG said...

Congratulations on the deer. I've never hunted one of those.
Got a couple ducks once.

Is that horse still in your store?

Great post, Gail. ♥

Susan Anderson said...

All those hats look good on you.


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