a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, December 15, 2014

4.6 Miles From Here

is the ghost town of Lacrosse (Izard County) Arkansas. We drive past the old store building and the plaque honoring the college every morning reminding us of what once was.
 The last building standing other than residences.

There is much history here, We have a past.  Not of ignorance but of people striving to establish a community in which all could be proud and equal.

One such person was Henry Karr Shannon born in Lunenburg (where my father was born) and was very active in the surrounding communities.  He graduated Melbourne High School, attended college and pharmaceutical school. After developing an allergy to pharmaceuticals his career direction changed. Mr. Shannon taught school, was involved in higher education while exploring Izard County's rich history. He later purchased the Melbourne Times newspaper with his own special column covering many subjects and opinions that gained the attention of the Arkansas Gazette. While in Little Rock he became a controversial figure in the Central High Desegregation Crisis of 1957. Mr Shannon published six books during his life time.

And you're wondering where this is leading?

Looked at my birth certificate a few years ago and discovered I was delivered by Karr Shannon! What?  Delivered by a newspaper man?  Did some research and Henry Karr's son became a medical doctor and served one year in Melbourne, 1954, the year I was born.

And that's the truth as I know it.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Makes you just one degree from him. Beat that, Kevin Bacon!

Anonymous said...

'Tis a small small world indeed.

TexWisGirl said...

cool bit of history. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will add you to my list of 'famous people' that i know...LOL.. i like the old building... my kind of historical building

Sketching with Dogs said...

Isn't that amazing! Definitely something to tell your grandkids.
Lynne x

Arkansas Patti said...

You have a famous connection, that is more than most of us have.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

So you are famous, after all!!!!...:)JP

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cool! I hope Maria is improving everyday! I am thinking good thoughts of her:)

Susan Kane said...

Who knew that a humble building would be the reminder of so many connections?

Linda Kay said...

Now that was a fun thing to find out....your forever link in history!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

That is so very cool.

LindaG said...

What great history to discover!

LilliStJohn said...

Very nice history post and kinda neat that you were delivered into this world by his Son. Kool

Bethany Carson said...

Oh wow! How neat. That's a fascinating bit of history!

Lynne said...

Always enjoy seeking out the TRUTH!

Sandy Livesay said...

You're delivery was part of American history :-)

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