a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Spirit of Giving

In Kindergarten at my grandson's school the principal gave peanut butter, oats and rice to the children for Christmas. T'is sad in a time of plenty for some, there are children in America who go to bed hungry.

If not for the Grace of God, there go I.
Make a difference this holiday.
Merry Christmas!
Share your blessings.


TexWisGirl said...

a gift that can help feed the family - at least a bit.

Mary said...

Yes! So very important. Not only at Christmas time , but always.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sad to think that there are children hungry. I am confused on who to give$ to...seems like the heads of all the organizations that help people make mega bucks. We need to get it to the right people. :(

Lynne said...

Not only at Christmas . . .
Give Share Care . . .
Excellent message Gail . . .

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

the teacher is a kind and caring and oh so smart person... love you card and you know why. you have two of my most favorite things of ALL. dogs and PicMonkey.. nothing better

LilliStJohn said...

What is the International Directory Blogspot? Is that someone just wanting to use your information so you get bogged down with crap comments or is it for real. Do they collect addresses and then sell them? Looks kinda fishy to me, or have you checked into this and also some of the language is not correct. If you haven't checked into this, then delete it and if it comes in again, consider it spam, because you have received it twice, eh.
So, now, lovely photo of dogs, with ornaments; just a lovely card. You know, round here, the food bank boxes seem to be fuller at Christmas. Thanks for the news re Maria and the jokes and photos. Gave me some good laughs there. Love to you n family n hugz to M - thoughts to Maria. lol

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We spent part of yesterday giving out clothes and other items to those in need. It was such an amazing experience.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet card and what a thoughtful principal.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A practical, useful gift from the heart!...:)JP

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Proving that there are those folks out there who are good at heart. We knew that didn't we? Just sometimes hard to see.
And your comment is never far from my mind lately, there but for the grace of God, go I.

Anonymous said...

Amen. And remember all of those who are alone at the holiday season, too.

Other Mary said...

Thanks for this. You're absolutely right.

Arkansas Patti said...

We all should realize how lucky we are and share. So simple yet right.

Sandy Livesay said...

There are so many children and families hungry in America. We try to help when and where we can. Our local schools send children home every weekend with back packs of food during the holiday's and weekends.

Mary said...

Merry Christmas, Gail! I look forward to reading more of your poetry in 2015! Enjoy the holidays.

Mary said...

Merry Christmas, Gail! I look forward to reading more of your poetry in 2015! Enjoy the holidays.

Magaly Guerrero said...

So many shouldn't go hungry when a few have enough to feed them all...

Susan Anderson said...

Hard to imagine that need, and I'm glad you brought it up to me. I think things are harder for people out there than I've realized.

Merry Christmas, Gail. I will try to make a difference this year with hunger.


gld said...

Well said! It breaks my heart to think of hungry children.

I know all the places that help feed the hungry are hurting this year. They say they have more need than ever.

If we all just give a small amount, think of the good it will do.

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