a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Past

visits me on dreary days. I sat reading  a few posts wondering what in the world I was going to talk about today.  I visited a familiar blog with a kind story of strangers helping each other with no other purpose except that is the way it should be. It was a story of goodness, kindness and strangers working together toward a common goal.

I traveled back in time as winter days make me do.  I remembered when Dad still lived and the valley was full of horses, tiny horses.  I remembered the dreams.  I revisited photos of dreams put away.
I remembered the time almost strangers held an entire herd while we came to retrieve them. Miniature horse ownership requires "child proofing".  Pasture that held large stock does not necessarily hold small stock. They could walk under some places and just keep going.

We thought we had mini-proofed the place but sooo not so!!!  Royce, my herd stallion, found the one place we did not think about.  A water gate that held back full sized stock did not even slow this guy down.  He had a mission of moving his herd and he kept on.  Down the ditch to the water gate on the far side of the large pond he led.  They followed.  Traveling the ditch they reached highway 58 then proceeded down 58 to 69 highway to the town of Sage.

This happened before dawn on a Sunday morning or the ending would not be so great.

Six AM phone call woke us with a "Do you have miniature horses?"  Yes, we do, several.  "The neighbors and I have herded them into my yard from the highway. We're keeping them safe."

Several miles by highway and an hour later we arrive with a stock trailer.  We lead Royce into the trailer. The herd followed as a true herd will. In goes Betty, Flo, Buford, Lucy, Fancy, Tracer and Fay with all the foals. Easy Peasy!  Thanks to the kindness of neighbors and the grape vine our horses came home safely.
I believe I was born to be a horse owner, any size or kind, but things change as they always do and life goes on.

Dad's gone. The horses are gone.  The valley never changes but the actions within are always different. Mother Nature tends to the beauty and we are in charge of the chaos.


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Your horse story brought tears to my eyes....for the goodness of folks, for the magic of being a part of equines lives and for your not having them close at hand now. Maybe someday in another life and time you and I will have our hearts desires. Mine donkeys, yours horses. xoxo

C-ingspots said...

Yes, times do change Gail. My grandma (long gone) used to tell me, "the only constant in life is change". She was right; about that and so many other things. I love your story. And like you, I believe I was born to have horses too. Can't imagine life without them, but we will see...as in everything in life, we need to love and appreciate who and what we have in our lives right now, while they are here. Merry Christmas Gail. Thanks for the smile this morning, I could just see those little turds trucking across country, down the highway...with the angels watching and herding them around. Bet they chuckled too.

TexWisGirl said...

i bet that was a fun (and challenging) time. :) always good to have good folks around!

Sketching with Dogs said...

What nice neighbours you have to round them up and keep them safe for you. It must have been quite a funny and scary phone call!
The miniature horses look adorable but sounds like they had a will of their own.
Lynne x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I knew you had horses but not about the mini horses, that is a lot of them and God bless neighbors that do what they should do and save the horses. a story that perked up my spirits in a day when most would not cross the street to save any one or any animal.

Bethany Carson said...

What a good story of kind-hearted neighbors. Reminds me of a neighbor we had with miniature horses at one time...one of hers got loose too and we went "horse hunting" with her. We found the horse hanging out at another neighbor's place with some larger horses.

Susan Kane said...

Royce certainly enriched your life in many ways. Our hogs did the same thing, but thank God for neighbors and friends.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That was really awesome of your neighbors to keep the horses safe until you could come get them.

Buttons Thoughts said...

"Mother Nature tends to the beauty and we are in charge of the chaos." Oh I love that line. Love the story and life does indeed change. HUGS B

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A good friend in VA has a few and you are right...totally different needs!...:)JP

aspiritofsimplicity said...

times do change and we change with them.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story of friends and neighbours.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What fun those little horses must have been. I'm glad your story ended well- I've known a few that did not. Yours really went for a tour!

Wendy Bourke said...

A wonderful story - emotive and bitter-sweet.

LindaG said...

Beautiful memories and a lovely story, Gail.
Have a blessed weekend. ♥

LilliStJohn said...

Just a wonderful story Gail - so nice to have such a blessing as nice neighbours. I have a friend that rescued a donkey - she was in pretty bad shape and pregnant. Along came Isabelle from neglect to a loving home and she follows her rescuer everywhere. They have a special bond and Isabelle is so kind and just had a baby a year ago and named her Lil' Opal Rose, mostly called Opal. You would like my friend. She rescues a lot of animals and she now has 5 horses, 2 donkeys, cats, dogs and wild turkeys. I am glad you took a step back and wrote this wonderful story from the past days. Have a wonderful day. Blessings to Maria to feel better soon, your family, and hugz to M. lol

Farm Girl said...

What a wonderful story, and I never knew you had miniature horses.

Lynne said...

The truth is . . .
Things always change!

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