a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Blowing Smoke

A photo prompt to entice us to create

Blowing Smoke
you see beauty
you keep us blindfolded
for your pleasure
hoping we don't feel
the piercing wire
that holds us in check
while YOU blow smoke


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I followed a car home from Walmart that every 60 seconds a cloud of smoke came out of the drivers side window. the first time I saw it I thought there was a fire in the car.
I am really good at seeing through the smoke people blow at us, and boy are there lots of people who do

CHummelKornell said...

Interesting--I noticed the wire but wasn't sure how to handle that--great job!

Kathe W. said...

nice attention to details.

Deepa said...

Nice take on the prompt

Truedessa said...

interesting, I saw the wire it almost looks like it is going into her vein...very symbolic..I have to wonder and look past the vapor. Always enjoy a visit here.

Unknown said...

Ooo angry. :-) Nice lines.

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderfully done...

​stinging the sin

Lynne said...

Interesting and well done!

Kutamun said...

Like "story of O "

brudberg said...

The pain of that wire is always forgotten.. well spotted.

21 Wits said...

Got mine in today so I can read yours. You mastered this mysterious lovely lady's photo perfectly! I wonder if it's really Tess?

Susan Anderson said...

You did well with this prompt. I have gone over a few times to Magpie Tales, but every time I go, the prompt just doesn't draw me in. Not sure if this is me or the prompts!


Ira said...

Interesting! Cleverly put in a few lines. :)

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