a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, October 4, 2015

"Every One Weep With Me"...

a line from the O Fortuna is our Saturday prompt at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads.  I had good intentions of following the prompt to the T.  The title reflects that intention but I fell far from the mark.  As I wrote this...with no changes...it was an exact Fifty-Five.  I read signs in every thing.
And in this wood
I saw a dragon
with magic wings
and strength unfurled
a medieval moment
but not lost
forever of wood
for it could not be
in a world of wars
and lost humanity

As it rose today
from the forgotten realm
I unlocked the wood
and gave it back it's song


Kerry O'Connor said...

This is wonderful! I love how you saw the dragon in the fallen tree and unlocked its potential in your poem.

Susan Kane said...

Magnificent mangled piece of wood, with a poem that matches it...I enjoyed both.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i do see the dragon but did not until i read your poem. glad you set it free and gave it back its song

brudberg said...

I think that the dragon's song is well needed now in these days of humanity failing... let us how it can help.. very much needed.

Maude Lynn said...

I see it, too! I love this.

X said...

hey I can see your Dragon. I live dragons. grew up reading all about them. sadly so true on the state I'd our world. I fear what our leaders would so with the might of dragons

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

For me this is just perfect in every way!

LindaG said...

Funny. I saw the title and thought of Roger Miller...
But it is a great story and a wonderful dragon!

Wendy Bourke said...

This is a treat. "I unlocked the wood and gave it back it's song" - an indelible line of poetry. The piece: eloquently rendered.

ZQ said...

Perfect !

Stephen Tremp said...

Gail, thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I do admire poetry, probably because I'm not very good at writing it.

Margaret said...

With this poem, you free the dragon song.

Ida said...

You know it really does remind me of a dragon. I just showed this to my granddaughter and she immediately said it looks like a "dragon."

Well done with both the photo and the prose.

Jim said...

Beautiful whimsy here, Gail. I love the helping of the dragon bit.

Lynne said...

There you go again . . .
Loved . . .

Marian said...

Oh, this leaves me feeling optimistic! Doesn't happen as often as I'd like. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You are a natural storyteller. And we are blessed.

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