a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 1, 2015

I Paint

More and more I seem drawn to the daily prompts at Mindlovemisery's Menagerie.  There is a new and varied prompt every day with an open link for a week.  This is my favorite part because there are many times I write something only to discover a link is no longer active.
I paint

A lone figure
Armed to create
Heading to a nebulous copse
There's no menace
I exhale

No infections
Except the atavistic influence
That flows through my veins
Cranberry pastel
Bony fingers paint

I came to create
With canvas and brush in hand
I step through the door
That births art
Dipping my brush in Ichor

I paint


Lynne said...

I think you Jumped In just fine . . .
Some of those words . . . wow . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my comment disapeared I think... i would have to look up many of the words you used to be able to use them. you can write and paint, multy talented. i can't remember what the heck i said in the other comment.

Anonymous said...

Lovely painting in words that expresses that disconnect between the moment of creation and the world.

Amber said...

Awww thank you Gail I am so glad you are enjoying the prompts at MLMM we love having you =)

No infections
Except the atavistic influence
That flows through my veins

Brilliant my favorite lines in this wow

Love your painting!


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