a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The End Is Near

Marcy's inside flowerSquiggy loving Barney as she gets closer to delivery.
The old rock bridge
A road with leaning trees, road now passable, barely
Resting and grazing
The week is almost over and I can only drag toward the weekend, hoping it will be a delight.  Worked pretty hard at work and came home. Worked some outside, made supper and a cake, let the bunch eat and cleaned the kitchen.
My end is near, I shall go snuggle in the bed to warm as the nights are still cool. Hope you all have a wonderful evening.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

What kind of cake?
I'm all about the cake, you know. lol!

That's one very prego kitty. Whatcha gonna do with all those babies?
No....I don't want any.

Someday I hope I get the chance to walk across that handsome rock bridge....



Jeannelle said...

Its nice to finally reach the end of a busy day, isn't it. Rest well!!

SkippyMom said...

catchy title - glad it didn't mean what it implied.

have a nice END of the week.

DesertHen said...

Wonderful photos! Love the flower, so pretty. That is one very, very prego cat!

Enjoy your weekend..=)

Irene said...

I bet you're bed feels like the best place to be after such a long hard day of work. You deserve it so very much. I hope you always sleep very well and that all of your dreams are like fairy tales.

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