Just a catch up on things happening At The Farm. I am still lazy and since I did not have enough work to do, I am now working six days a week at my job for an indefinite span of time. Will I survive? Who knows. My replacement had an opportunity to temporarily run another office. That is a great chance for her but not for me, except for the over time. That will be good. I can prepare for my retirement and have postponed it till all is settled. Hopefully that will be soon. Idea scenario, Leshia gets her own office and I can retire knowing she is in good shape.
Marcy is still paring pears and preserving them either by drying or canning. The crop is not over yet. The frost did not seem to damage much, even though it was a heavy one. The roses are only bitten around the edges so we may still have a bouquet or two.
Nuts are still being gathered by the nuts that live here and various creatures.
Plans for The Red Barn are developing. The equipment, cash counter and some shelves will hopefully be moved in this week. The arrangement Queen, Beverly, will have her work cut out for her. This wall shall be this and this corner will be that, etc.
Gypsy's training is progressing but no one seems interested. This is sad because she is a darling dog and is good with kids, cats, dogs, horses, cattle and a goat. Amazing what that girl will do for a treat. She met her first Otter the other night and that was a adventure for her. She is presently standing with her head in my lap wanting more attention. Gotta love her, she is a sweetie pie!
I guess I have to mention my cross now. It is working full time, raising a grandson, training a dog, trying to help Hubby on the farm, and getting the shop ready, which I have been elected to run, We have Marcy's other house to sell in Randolph County. Ah, the list is unending.
You make that cross easier and more enjoyable with your visits and comments. I looked and I have seventy-one followers...yipeee! I remember being scared when it took a few days to get my first comment.
You help me realize the beauty around me and remind me I am very fortunate to be one of the custodians of this wonderful space I call At The Farm. The truth is we never own a place, we only care for it, to assure this life continues by working with nature and not against it.
Thank you, my followers, my friends. You keep me honest and humble.