a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Will Never Be A Film Producer

Here is the spring by the old garden which is now a cow lot.  Notice the rock structure.  Dad built that years ago to enable him to pump from the spring.  A calf fell in and Dad could not lift him out so he had to knock the wall down to remove the calf.  The calf and Dad survived the ordeal but the wall was never built back.

The banks are eroded and we have lovely sand and gravel islands where there should be none.  The damage is extensive.  Mother Nature at her best, reshaping the land to her idea of beauty, not ours.

I took a long walk and found deep holes that can be swimming areas and holes that were and are no longer.

Boo!  This is why I will never be a film producer.  I did not know where the camera was pointing so just took a chance. 

I traveled the creek this Sunday and am only now getting it posted.  I filmed the creek and told tall tales while filming the waters.  I kept tripping, stepping in deep holes, hanging on limbs and finding it was difficult to climb rocks with one hand. 

Oh, the plans I had!

I came in with high anticipation of the beauty I was going to show you, waterfalls and rocks and trees and moss.  WELL, I deleted every one of them. 

I kept turning the camera off accidently, I had some clicking noise inside the camera you could hear on the film, Gypsy hogged the lime light and I got stuck on a tree. Also the camera, for some reason, had rotated them so you would have to watch them sideways.

So, instead of movies, you will have to close your eyes and imagine my soft, gentle(not out of breath) voice, telling you tales as I climbed to my favorite spot.  The sun was shining, the dogs were with me, the water was falling and crystal clear. 

Can you hear me?


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

We have one of the soybean fields on the other side of the creek and it has washed out the crossings to where there is no way we can move equipment into it. Hubby is going to have to take the dozer and push a another entrance into that field in all this mud. Geesh, I will never run out of blog material.

Keep those tooties dry and your spirits up. Your wonderful pics always put a big old smile on my face!

Sunny said...

I hear you! Sometimes picture taking can become an adventure, I've fallen in ditches, got zapped on an electric fence, stepped in cow patties and almost lost my camera to goat!
I love the old creek.
Enjoy your day.
Sunny :)

allhorsestuff said...

Haha! I know this all too well!
I almost got a nice camera off the TV last mo...it had a remote for video and stills! Too cool...well, for now, I will join you in the fun/funny sometimes hilarous- attempts!
I am glad that your dad and calf survived that ordeal...yea, decisions we make change the course of history forever...and creeks!

Irene said...

I'm hearing your gentle voice in my head as you described what you saw and did. It's actually quite hilarious, except for that calf that had to be rescued. Oh. your voice is not hilarious, what you describe is! I wish I could have walked with you along the creek. Did you wear anything special on your feet? Mud stomping boots or anything? You know...

Tina said...

I hear you..and have recently found myself laying on the ground as I tried to capture a bird in flight and stepped on a walnut..zoom went me and the camera..lol and i never posted those shots either..blurred sky shots!
Some times the imagery is just as nice..lets the mind's eye make up its own picture!!

Pat said...

Hey, it would have been enjoyable, and probably worth a few laughs to watch your video. You could have submitted it to America's Funniest Videos. Who knows? You could be the BIG WINNER! LOL! We all could have said "WE KNEW HER WHEN!"

Rural Rambler said...

I hear you Gail! I love your Sunday Farm posts and this was no exception. The narration was great and informative, funny too and it was very nice to see your smile!

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