a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Once Upon A Time...

in a far away land, a prince was held captive by a narly old witch called Nana.   She would not let the prince venture into the great outdoors and he spent many hours trying to break out of his glass prison.

The evil witch laughed at the prince because he could see outside but he could not venture there, no, it was not allowed for his safety she said as she cackled.

Then the Princess At The Farm arrived and was very sad that the prince was locked up behind glass and could not run and play like other little boys.  She wondered what could she do?

So Princess waved her magic horns and made the evil witch disappear.  She broke the glass tower down and rescued the tiny prince. 
Escape is sweet, said the prince.
Now the Prince and Princess run through the open valley, loving the freedom and smelling the flowers.

And the prince and princess lived happily ever after At The Farm.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute! You have me smiling this a.m.

Rudee said...

The princess knows that for sure, in her realm, the grass is always greener.

Rural Rambler said...

A very cool "Once Upon A Time" Gail. Very sweet. And I just love to see Zander's little face.

The Farmers Oldest Daughter said...

So cute! Animals and children just go together.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

VERY funny! I love fairy tales. I haven't grown up yet, I guess.

Hey, I nominated you for an award over on my blog if you want to claim it.

Silliyak said...

And for the perfect ending, "and the homeowners insurance covered the broken glass"

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I just love happily ever afters. Sweet story for a sweet little Prince.

God bless and enjoy the escape!!!

Country Girl said...

Ha! Just seeing that goat standing up on the hind legs cracked me up!

Pat said...

How cute~ Love the pictures - and the story - sweet!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG standing at the door, no wonder princess is gone bye bye

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