a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, August 1, 2013


when one falls they just keep falling.

My husband's uncle passed Tuesday.  All our prayers and thoughts are with the family.
We had a late calf today and neither bovine wanted to come to the valley pasture.  Finally Mom and new baby are safely in the spring bottom with fresh water and the rest of the protective herd.

I was visiting with one sister on the phone. Hubby storms in and wonders why his Dish receiver is in the floor.  I don't know!!!! Yes, I deliberately crashed it to the floor with glee when he was out of the room.  I do believe Maggie, Border Collie, got tangled in the wires and pulled it off.  I'm glad she's not hurt and doubly glad the tv did not fall.  All is, thank goodness, reassembled and working. The receiver was saved by landing in Maggie's soft bed.  There are a few pieces disconnected permanently but the tv/recliner man can still survive. All parts work.

Hubby while conversing with a sick cousin forgot the skillet and as smoke billowed into the part of the house I was in I went in search of the source.  The stove vent was on and Hubby has declared this the worst day this week.

I still smell burning pork chop grease...life is good.


LilliStJohn said...

Yah know what they say in the maritimes, Gail - it comes in a storm! And a storm can contain all elements guaranteed to upset your day, but guess what - at the end of the storm, there is always a rainbow or a beautiful peaceful sunset, with birds singing cause it all passed and so we get past the storm. I am sorry to hear about TM's Uncle - please pass my thoughts to him and give him a warm hug - he will be in my prayers tonight. Glad your new calf is doing well and also Mom. Then, we all know only too well that if the MM (Main Man's) electronics get frigged up, Eh - another storm is coming. ha,ha Love you guys and big warm hug to dear Marcy xoxo

Lynne said...

Laughing out loud at the pork chop fiasco . . . Reminds me of the time I forgot I was baking some chicken and turned the oven self cleaner on . . . went upstairs to read my book!
Not pretty . . . sometimes it is all of what falls in a day . . .

Happy "recliner man" will still be able to watch his tele . . .

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

So sorry about your husband's uncle. Prayers for you and the family.
Hope your season of storms passes. And your dog stays away from the receiver and your husband away from the stove.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail I am sorry about your Uncle. I am hoping the calf does well and I do think you should keep hubby away from the stove.
There is wisdom in Saucy Kodz answer she is right. Storm here too:( Take care i will be thinking of you all. Hug B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my man is Sofa Man, not recliner man... same thing though.. he says things like that to me.. and i come right back with Well I broke in on purpose or whatever he is talking about.
you really had a day and i hope today is a better one. glad the house was safe, grease fries can be dangerous.
i think i smell grease burning, got to run

Dreaming said...

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your husband's uncle. Prayers to the family.
Hooray for new life - I hope that life will be good for the little critter.
I cracked up about the receiver.... I get the same reaction to things that happen around here. Yup, I left ___ out in the ___ where someone could take it/break it. 'Twas me that hid ___ so I could laugh at you while you tried to find it. Always my fault! I hate to see how things play out as our brains begin losing it. Hopefully we'll go along side by side and I won't notice the loss of brain function for either of us!

Marty said...

So perhaps I should stop pining for a mate who could do something in the kitchen besides eat. . ?

Far Side of Fifty said...

My sympathy on the death of your Uncle.
Sounds like a bad day at your place I hope today is better! :)

Sandy Livesay said...


Prayers to you, Dennis and family.
I'm so sorry to hear about Dennis' Aunts passing.

Good to hear the cow and baby are okay and have moved to the pasture.

Things will be better today!!

the canned quilter said...

And this too shall pass : ) Condolences on your loss.

TexWisGirl said...

hope the dark cloud over your place moves on!

Susan Anderson said...

Sorry to hear about your husband's uncle...and the various small disasters.

Hopefully you'll have a day that's just the opposite to balance this one out.


Mary Ann said...

Must be in the air, I turned the dish sink faucet on this morning, went back to talk to Keith, and totally forgot it. At least my kitchen floor is really clean now!

Farm Girl said...

Oh my goodness!!! Well those kind of weeks help to laugh at them after it is all over except for the cousin, my heart is sad about that and I will send up a prayer for the family.

Sandee said...

Sorry about the loss of hubbies uncle. It does sound like a day filled with ugly, but it turned out okay. I'm sure today will be better. It has to be better.

Have a terrific day honey. ☺

Sketching with Dogs said...

Sorry for your loss. Isn't it typical that when one thing goes wrong, everything does for the whole day, gahhhh.
We had a shock today, Dip fell off the arm of the sofa - I swear my heart stopped for a second, if she had broken her leg I would have been selling my kidneys on Ebay, LOL.
Hope you have a restful evening.
Lynne x

Country Gal said...

Sorry for the loss of your husbands uncle our prayers go out you and the family ! Oh my keep the dog away from the receiver and hubs away from the stove and all should be fine ! lol ! Times like this my mum always said ya need a vacation on your own even if it to be just in a tent in the woods lol ! Have a good day I hope hehe !

labbie1 said...

My condolences to your family during this time of loss.

Good gracious! Things are going nutty all over the place!

Days like this, I just want to go to bed and hope that when I wake up the world has reset itself--it can't be worse--right???? :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I am NOT laughing at you...but LOL! Your itinerary sounds like ours sometime!...:)JP

LindaG said...

Oh goodness, Gail.
Condolences to everyone.
Your hubby is like mine. Got to have the TV. ;-)

Have a good evening. ♥

Josie Two Shoes said...

Sometimes life just seems to go like that, one darn thing after another. My week has been pretty much the same, but I'm determined to come out the other end of the tunnel for the weekend. Don't you just love how men will suspect that we actually plan out things like crashing their toys? Not that the thought never crosses the mind! :-) Glad that the grease didn't start a fire, that is not the way to initiate your next big house remodel project!! Wishing you a much better week coming up.

Brian Miller said...

in the end, life is good...that matters most to me...life is this...the good, the bad...i am sorry for your loss...and hope today is better...the odds should make it so...smiles

Nancy said...

I can't tell you how many times I've boiled eggs dry. Not a pleasant smell.

And if the tv remote ever broke, it would be a 911 situation (in someone else's mind,) so I totally understand. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well glad you got all that bad karma over and done with for the month! LOL!!

Sorry about your dh's uncle passing. Condolences.

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