a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Unplugged At dVerse~Poets Pub

dVerse~Poets Pub has suggested we unplug and discover what we're missing.  Most of the time the real world does beat out our virtual lives.  Time for us to unplug and enjoy for more reasons than we know.
I took a walk
Through ancient eyes
I'd forgotten to see 
The land provides
Rain entices growth
We no longer know
What's safe to eat
Nor how to plant and grow
Every plant has a purpose
Every object has a use
We must unplug
To teach our youth
Listen to Ancient way
Forever tried and true
They knew how to live
With what's in front of you.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they did know how to live, but was it fun? i don't want to unplug, I just looked around my bedroom and i don't have near what that guy does, but i see a cordless phone, 2 lamps, wireless keyboard, desk top PC, laptop and wireless printer, which means a wireless Cisco in the other room.... I LOVE MY GADGETS...so no unplugging for me. i stay plugged and still see all the outdoors. the best of both worlds. i like that mushroom and want to wade in the water. if i had a yard like yours, i might unplug for a while each day..

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is so true, I love what you said. If we only knew where and how there is a natural cure for everything but we just do not listen to nature any more.
Lynne x

Claudia said...

we must unplug to teach our youth...yep..they need to touch the plants and a cow or horse, not just see them on tv or in an online game... this world is too exciting to not go outside and discover it

TexWisGirl said...

yup, so true. we know nothing of natural remedies and the like compared to our ancestors.

Brian Miller said...

ah i agree with you in that we have lost touch with our earth....understanding its patterns...what we can and cannot eat...where our food even comes from...how to grow and plant and the law of sewing and reaping...and seasons for everything...ah i could go on and on....smiles....

Sandee said...

Oh this is spot on. You do this so very well.

Have a terrific day. :)

Unknown said...

perfectly done, an embodiment of the prompt itself. The idea of growth really struck me, so, so true. Great job and thanks for sharing with us.

labbie1 said...

Yep! Get out an be immersed in life! :) And it is good to know how to survive on the land as well. It sustains life--The Electronics really don't, but they DO make it more fun! :)

LindaG said...

Amen, Gail. Amen. Very well said.
Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. ♥

Mary said...

What a good lesson can be found in your poem. Bravo for a unique response to the prompt.

Grace said...

Love the beautiful message and pictures ~ We should listen to the ancient ways and teach our young to unplug once in awhile ~

Lynne said...

I found it difficult to find a comment . . . I feel unplugged with today yet feel the importance of staying plugged in and how exceptionally important it is while aging. I am part of yesterday and attempting to stay current with today. Your words hold truth, if only we would embrace the past for each of our todays.

Anonymous said...

no better place to unplug than in nature, I find - beautiful pics and wise words

Willow said...

Nature always does it for me.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Wise words, my friend! Very wise words! (Not to mention being so poetically and beautifully put!)

LilliStJohn said...

I guess I have stayed unplugged mostly - then on the other hand I have been plugged in - goodness - is it possible that I have the gift of both - My view of the "plugged in" is easy in communication via blogger, otherwise I would have never met you. Mostly, I am unplugged and playing each day in the Bay Of Fundy. I liked your poem very much Gail. lol Hi TM n hugs to Marcy :)

Pat said...

It's good to unplug every once in awhile and enjoy nature around us. It is a wonder how our ancestors survived with what they had and learned to live with their surroundings.

Susan Kane said...

Well said. Once the California padres forced the quite-able-to-live-off-the-earth natives to work at the missions, within two generations the mission dwellers were unable to survive without mission supplies.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Everywhere I go I see people holding a phone in front of their faces...there is nothing good about that. I think we are living in some kind of virtual world.

Kathryn Dyche said...

It's amazing what we see when we chose to open our eyes.

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