a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, August 30, 2013

Krylon Christmas...

Earlier this week I spoke of Adding Color and the problems I had with Krylon.  I complained.
I received an email immediately and a second email telling me they were sending paint.  They had determined the cans were faulty...through no one's fault...it just happens.

So I take it back, Krylon.  I did some research.  It was in fact a good will gesture to help cut back on graffiti art.  Krylon changed their valve.  Another case where good intentions come back and bite you.

So if you get a bad can, keep the bar code and talk to Krylon.  They stand behind their product.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's cool they admitted fault and are sending you paint. (I assume a coupon for free paint?)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

did they send you all those cans? it is great to hear they are standing behind their product, not everyone does that.. if you have that many cans of paint, i am foreseeing a lot of painting going on.

Lynne said...

Well that is a "good news customer service" kind of message!

Pat said...

So - it does good to complain! Good for you!

TexWisGirl said...

that's good customer service!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Excellent customer service, ooooh, loving the colours!
Lynne x

LindaG said...

Wow. That's great, Gail! Now you'll have plenty of paint for your projects! :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!

LilliStJohn said...

It sure is nice to know that in today's world, Krylon stands behind their product. We do have some stores around here that do that, so we always shop where we do not have a problem with returns. After all, isn't GOOD business all about gaining a customer. Lovely that they replaced yours and good info to know.

Nancy said...

Very cool -- not many companies around like that any more.

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