a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bonnie, Bathtub and A Hillbilly/Redneck Fix...

As you know from a previous posts I'm having a little trouble with Bonnie and my water lilies.  First she was bringing pots of lilies to her stash in the yard.  When reprimanded she brought empty pots where lilies had been. Bonnie is a lover of water, any time, any where.

I think I'm smarter than a dog so I set out trying to prove just that. Bonnie acted uninterested in the entire process.  I know at one point she found an almost empty water garden and had a funny look on her face like, "Gee, where did my water go?"

My solution was remove the lilies since I like having pet friendly gardens.  Here is where my warped problem solving brain took me.
This was not an easy task but it was enjoyable.  An old bathtub now holds my lilies.  The water over flows and recirculates.  After cleaning the pond, making more friendly pet access, and moving lots of rocks I have the solution...until Bonnie shows up to see what I'm doing. As the pond fills she finds a drink...that's right!  In the new Lily Reserve.
She likes the tub too!
I'm proud of my hard work and the fact I used something we had.  Recycling to the Nth degree.  
New pond is filling.
Bonnie decides it sits well with no lily interference. 
Just relaxing after all my hard work.
With a shake of approval
Bonnie exits up her steps.
Gardener happy.
Bonnie happy.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ya know- I think you have built the Cadillac of dog pools. Bonnie agrees! The tub is going to work great for the lilies.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love this!! Everybody wins! Bonnie is so beautiful!

LilliStJohn said...

I absolutely love this idea - great use for tub and now Bonnie can swim freely, cool off without lilies bouncing n floating round about her head. What a wonderful idea Gail. Terri is right - this is the "Cadillac of Dog Pools". And, then, I thought my hardy sand box was so cool for Jack to use as a swim pool, which she loves and still uses, but OOOOH I love yours. Way to go Girl!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Smarter than the average dog! Looks like that will work for both of you.
Want to make a water feature for my yard next?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't stop laughing at that Bonnie Girl in that pond. she looks so darn happy with the lilies gone.. maybe she will drink from the lilies and play in the pond. MAYBE!! the clue word. it really looks great, i love the rock garden part of it...you are so creative.

Country Gal said...

What a beautiful water garden and I love the idea of the old tub fantastic ! Bonnie just wants to enjoy it fully lol ! Wonderful photos ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Farm Girl said...

That is such a great shot of Bonnie in her pond. She looks like a very happy dog. Your water garden looks so pretty.

Sandy Livesay said...

You've once again out did yourself with this beautiful water garden. I love the tub at the head of your pond, and the water falling from the tub to the pond. Totally beautiful!!!!
I see Bonnie approves!!!

Linda Kay said...

What a great solution, and it's absolutely beautiful. I'm jealous of Bonnie; looks cool and refreshing!

TexWisGirl said...

that's just too cute! and the trickling water will sound nice, too.

ellen abbott said...

Well, no wonder she kept hauling the lilies out. They were cluttering up her swimming hole. I used an old bathtub for a pond at the city house.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great solution! Some dogs just love a cool place to visit:)

Ela said...

She likes to relax in the water !
Such sweet photos :)

Henny Penny said...

I like what you've done! Bonnie makes me laugh. She looks spoiled and cute as a button! Is she by any chance part Lab?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow!!!!! How on earth did you get the tub moved, they weigh a ton. And all those rocks, they are so big. But it is a brilliant solution!!! And the lilies being in the tub, they really stand out more, too. Will the water recycle, do you have a pump or something? It is now all like a work of art plus a water garden! Bonnie really loves water! Keep us posted!

Mary Ann said...

Gail, your pond/stream is beautiful... and what a great solution for you and Bonnie!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Bonnie cracks me up. Love her. Your water garden is so creative and beautiful. Great job Gardener.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

What a clear thinker you are. Happy you, happy Bonnie. Great Job.

Lynne said...

Bonnie has "Pond Time" down pat . . .

LindaG said...

Awesome! Great solution, Gail. :-)

Susan Anderson said...

Nothing like a creative problem solver. And I think that title suits you to a T.


Empty Nester said...

She's the CUTEST! What a great idea! I love using things we already have. We've produced an overabundance of EVERYTHING and should start reusing all the junk that has accumulated. My hubby has the knack for it like you do.

DesertHen said...

Problem solved and both of you are happy, happy, happy! I love the repurpose of the tub!

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