a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Copperhead Road

I don't always kill poison snakes
sometimes I play with them.
Sometimes they play with me.
Not Steve Earle's Copperhead Road
Playing with a Copperhead snake
At The Farm.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Did you let him go?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I never find Copperheads entertaining. Snakes and I always go our separate ways, thank you very much!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

poison snake + death for me. did you or did you not... he is a fine speciman.

TexWisGirl said...

if they're far enough from the house, i let them be. sadly too many are encountered near the house and in the barn.

labbie1 said...

Ummmm...I need a drink! ;)

Artemis Grey said...

That's a beauty! Unfortunately for copperheads, if I find them here, they get killed. My three year old niece is always about 'helping' feed the horses etc, and I couldn't deal with her getting bitten after I let one live. There's always a chance she could be bitten anyway.

That said, copperheads are definitely beautiful and I feel bad killing them. Especially when they've had the chance to bite me but haven't. One took up residence in our hay stall one year, and I ended up walking back and forth over her repeatedly and she never did anything but rattle her tail against something to try and frighten me away. When I DID see her, she fled. And then immediately returned to reclaim her spot. She was over three feet long and gorgeous.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh now you shouldn't have told me that:(. Hug B

Willow said...

We don't get many poisonous snake in our neck of the woods.

gld said...

I would have to kill that one!

Living in the Ozarks, I have never seen one in the wild but I know they must be here.

thewovenspoke said...

Beautiful snake , but I wouldn't play with it.

thewovenspoke said...

Beautiful snake , but I wouldn't play with it.

Susan Kane said...

Oh, so glad that adventure was in your favor! Snakes are the one creature that I would run away from.

Carol Henrichs said...

Steve Earle yes, pictured snake, uh-no thanks. Fortunately, I haven't seen one in the 10 years I've been here. I've encountered lots of blacks and kings, and a pretty little iridescent blue one, but no copperheads. I hope it stays that way.

Dreaming said...

We used to have a lot of copperheads where we lived in SC. They are beautiful snakes… from a safe distance!

Sandy Livesay said...


I would have to kill him. Last year I had several copperheads in the garden. This garden season I've been on alert and have a shovel with me all the time.
Last week I had a snake in the garden, it wasn't poisonous it was just a garden snake. He ended up dead.

LindaG said...

Your idea of toys is a lot different from mine. ;-)
Good you are okay!
Have a wonderful Friday! ♥

Lynne said...

Careful my dear . . . !

Cheryl Ann said...

Be careful! There was a sidewinder up at the horse ranch and I've seen 3 non-poisonous snakes. I used to scream bloody terror, but now I just stifle my screams because the ranch owner came running and killed the first one, a gopher snake. He should have let it live to eat all the damn ground squirrels up there! The squirrels are more of a threat to the horses than any snake because if the horses step in a hole, they could break a leg.
Cheryl Ann

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

We've only missed killing two so far. Think one is hiding under a huge Bush right now. Come on over and kill mine...Grin. hate copperheads...I just hate snakes.

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