a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Rubber Bootin'

Working at the shop Friday morning I left early.  Shame on me.  The storms came later.  We were safe once again.  Batesville had a tornado about thirty miles from our house.  Thursday horrible winds and storms hit Arkansas and we lost two people.  We personally were lucky.  We have a few limbs down and a creek flood but nothing we couldn't deal with like we always do.

One advantage of living at the end of a dead end road in the middle of nowhere is I CAN wear my night gown while I search for treasures during a storm.  The rocks don't care how I dress.
Bonnie and I are battling over where the water lilies should be planted.  She keeps removing my pots and moving them around the yard.   They don't grow very well in the yard.  Now if I could train her to pull weeds it would be perfect.
It is fun to get muddy.  Holding some muddy chips of chert and flint, the by product of flint napping to make arrow heads for their weapons.  I found two or three hands full of flakes and chips.
This is the damaged arrow head I found today.  This style will spin through the air as it heads to the target.
One of the many treasures nestled in this valley of springs.

The thunder rolled, the lightning flashed.  I love the intensity of the storm while knowing I was okay.  I tried to edit a movie so you could witness the fun and listen to my Southern twang.  My edit failed. You will just have to take my word for it that the walk was exhilarating.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Good thoughts going out to the families storms with needed rain and making people smile but also destructive and making others suffer we never know.

I can see you in your nightgown with your cool rubber boots digging in the creek and mud smiling while finding treasure. Sounds wonderful to me. Hug B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

still laughing at your very own pot mover... i can just see Bonnie moving everything around. we found really quick we can have nothing that matters in our jungle, that is one reason it is a jungle. i had elephant ears growing under the kitchen window that were taller than my head.. i could see them waving at me from the kitchen. they are no more... gone, dead, disappeared due to baby and jake so glad you are safe and in your boots and gown.. i go in the back yard in my gown but i am barefoot

LilliStJohn said...

I would have thoroughly enjoyed being right there with you in my rubber bots n nightie - I went out into the backyard the other night after dark in my rubber boots n nightie - collecting/catching night crawlers so Dick n I could go fishing the next day. ha,ha Love you Gail :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you are safe!
Bonnie is a gardener in training, isn't she?
And amazing you find so many arrowheads.

Lynne said...

You might be setting a new style trend withe those boots and nightie!

I like the Arrowhead . . .

TexWisGirl said...

yes, once again, jealous for the rains. not the damage or losses, though. bless them.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We've had a lot of rain here in Virginia, and I'm not complaining and am grateful for it. I also love living where I don't have neighbors and can go outside in whatever I want -- But I don't find the fun little treasures like the flint.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You bought water lilies, how exciting! I love them and it is not something you see very often, if at all. I am so glad you are alright! Our pastor brought an arrowhead to our Deacon's meeting on Wednesday, it was the first real one I had seen! He found it on our church property where men had been digging, so I said it has to be a Mennonite arrowhead! My girlfriend has some and is going to give me one. But I have never actually FOUND one like you, it must be really exciting! Cute boots!

Henny Penny said...

Oh my! How exciting to find an arrowhead! Poppy and I looked for arrowheads every weekend back when we were dating. Love your boots and gown! My chickens don't recognize me in anything but my pajamas and boots!

Dar said...

Sorry for the loss of lives during the Storm's Fury. I'm glad you were able to search for gifts in your nighty. I do too while feeding the birds, but I wish I were at the end of a dead end road. LOL The neighbors probably do too, come think of it.
I can hear your southern 'twang.'

LindaG said...

It sounds like your walk was amazing. :-)

I love that you have so many arrowheads and know so much about them, Gail.

Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday. ♥

Irene said...

I am picturing you in my mind in your nightgown and rubber boots at the end of a dead end road and I think how perfect that must be and what freedom you must feel. That is the kind many of us long for, I am sure, but do not have. I know that I envy you it., living in the crowded place that I do. You must take full advantage of that freedom and do whatever de hell you want as long as it is legal. xox

Sandy Livesay said...

The best type of clothing to wear when going out searching for treasures mother nature provided.

Cranberry Morning said...

The search for arrowheads sounds fascinating. We used to find them occasionally around here, but not for years now. Love the boots. I have my eye on the chicken boots from Garden Supply. Your part of the country really gets hammered with springtime storms. Glad you're safe.

Dreaming said...

Tomorrow, when I head outside in my gown, I'll be thinking of you! However, I usually wear my Crocs, not boots.
Puppies are so much fun! At some point maybe she'll grow out of the redecorating habit - then life will be boring!
It is amazing what you find!

Sandy D said...

Just found you through Stitchin' at the Lake and am now a follower of yours.Yes your words have made me laugh and think.

Farm Girl said...

Well I am so glad you got rain. I also love the arrowheads. Not the mention the chips are really interesting.
I think you are so blessed to get to run around in your nightgown and rubber boots. Now that the road is through, nor more for me. :) I am sad about it too.

gld said...

Glad the severe stuff missed you We have been through two tornados in the past and it ain't fun! Just lost a pole barn and some trees.

I live too close to the road to do the jammie thing but it must be nice. If I ever go outside in a garb I don't want to be seen in, someone drives up.....

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