a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Time For A Change...

Blogdom is so amazing.  I've met some of the most wonderful and talented people.  I've been blessed. I also noticed I have reached almost five hundred followers.  Amazing!  Thank you every one.

I know blogging comes easily for many. I had to crawl before I learned to walk. For me blogging is about getting past the embarrassment of showing a me many do not see.  I am overcoming that.  I find you as a whole laugh with me not at me.  I've found a network of friends that support me and can never be replaced. I have shown my true face to the world.  The most amazing thing is YOU'RE STILL READING!  Thank you.

Time has come again for me to do some changing.

My friend Sandra  being the kind generous person she is has made some new headers for me. Madsnapper's headers and photographs are always so awesome.  Sandra is an unbelievably amazingly talented photographer and a very interesting writer.  Like many of us she thinks she has no talent.  She is also a PhotoShop computer guru. Stop by and see what I mean.  I don't think I would tell her Gail sent you, she may run!

 I need help! I can't choose.
 Will the winner be the first
or the second?
Or stick with what I have.
I have placed a voting button in the side bar.


Linda Kay said...

I voted for the first one because of the color mostly. And I can't even imagine having 500 followers...I still have lots to learn, like getting labels on my blog posts!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's awesome! I like the first one best.

TexWisGirl said...

i tend to like collages like the one you have instead of more free-form photos, but that's just me. :)

Farm Girl said...

Wow I like them all. I voted. :)
Good luck with them all.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I voted and thanks for all the compliments.. i have to say i do what i want with my blog so you should to... and if you want to keep what you have, i will not mind that at all... do what pleases YOU...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like the one you have and the first one Sandra did for you. The second one is good too..well, shoot, I can't decide. Save one for later!! And I agree- Sandra is very talented and a wonderful blogger, too!

Cathy said...

The one you've already got is way better than either of the new ones. Way better.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You gave me a scare with your title, I thought you were leaving! Glad to see you are just redesigning!I have voted for the second, but am in the minority! I like the design of the first better, but the pictures in the second! Sandra and I are sisters of the heart and call each other sis! We even bought matching tops and she made a shot of us together wearing them! She is super talented with computers and there is not much that she cannot diagnose, edit, fix, or make better!

Jo said...

Gail, like Ginny, my heart also sank when I saw your title. Thank goodness you're still with us and well done on so many followers. I cannot even imagine 500! I voted already and love the first one Sandra made you. Greetings, Jo

camp and cottage living said...

I voted Gail, and discovered that 70 percent agreed with me-that's got to be a first!
All of the headers are nice, so choose what you like.

Lynne said...

May I vote more than once . . .
I like the first one, and the header you have up right now, I like it too.

Lynne said...

What's with that long comment right above the one I just did?

Sandy Livesay said...

Sorry Gail,I selected all of them, lol......
There all very good!

Dreaming said...

I like all three! (But think the first is more artsy - it's stunning!)
I'm just glad that your "change" wasn't that you are leaving the blog world! I enjoy reading about your adventures. In many ways I see a lot of similarities between us. Some day I hope we can meet. I just may have to commandeer the steering wheel the next time we are at all close to you!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Looks like a can of spam got through.

Voted for the first one.

LilliStJohn said...

Although I like the one you presently have, I voted for 1 and then wanted to vote for 2. Actually, I like them all - glad you are not leaving - I never think about changing my header - The reason I chose the first header is because "At The Farm" stands right out at you, the background is brilliant and I love the collage of photos. The second is nice but a little washed out with the grey background but I do like what it says about you - Oh gee, they are both nice?

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I like them all. Each one shows a different side of you. Gosh congrats on the multitudes that follow you. They are all very wise folks. You always have something interesting, thought provoking or down to earth to share. You are amazing to be able to come up with something to share every day. xoxo Oma Linda

gld said...

I not going to vote! they are all good...what is important to me is what you write and the pictures you post and that is very good!

LindaG said...

Congratulations, Gail! I voted for the first one, too.

Susan Anderson said...

I can't even decide! They are all great because they are all so you.


Empty Nester said...

The new header was the first thing I noticed! And I LOVE it!

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