a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Magpie Tales Sweet Summer

Sweet Summer, 1912, John William Waterhouse 
Modesty reared his ugly head
When he first saw the maiden there
Then he paused to drink the beauty
Of the maiden pale and fair

As she nursed the summer day
He became entranced
And began to sketch her
Without another glance

Alone she thought shaded
By the rose and cooled by mist
Alone she pondered life's romance
But screamed when she was kissed

Modesty had taken the dare
While he painted unseen
The image forever frozen
Shattered when she screamed

For Magpie Tales


TexWisGirl said...

an artistic peeping tom! :)

Brian Miller said...

i bet he peed his pants when she screamed as well...ha...

i know in writing and painting i can become so focused that i probably would when the spell was broken...lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the poem, great job. have never understood why artist from the beginning of time, have wanted to paint the women's breast. to me the painting is really beautiful and would be just as beautiful with the breast covered. i know the intent was to write a poem, but i just had to give my little critique of an artist long dead....

Unknown said...

Yes, zoning in on the smallest detail would certainly make a painter forget that this subject matter was even alive, I think!

brudberg said...

Found out.. caught while watching.. I guess today he would have taken a picture and ran.. he he.. not so innocent as the motive.

Lynne said...

Sneaking a peak . . . of the maiden pale and fair . . .
I'd say . . .

Linda Kay said...

Well, I think if I were the maiden I'd be screaming too, if I was alone and lost in thought and then interrupted!

C.C. said...

Very clever and enjoyable take on the prompt.

Truedessa said...

That was interesting written from a different angle as he invaded her privacy. Enjoyed reading your take..

Unknown said...

wow!! just WOW!! so amazing to describe a painters muse...

Tess Kincaid said...

As she nursed the summer day...clever...

humbird said...

Love the image! Some magic in your words!

Belva Rae Staples said...

Lovely! I might scream too, if I was being watched without knowing it.

Helena said...

heh heh......I can picture the brush veering over the picture with that scream!

Carrie Van Horn said...

A magical write Gail. I love the flow in this.

Cait O'Connor said...


21 Wits said...

Sneaky is as sneaky does- great piece.

Eddie Bluelights said...

The image forever frozen
Shattered when she screamed.

Enjoyed the approach and great ending I think ~ Eddie

Susan Anderson said...

Best part: "As she nursed the summer day..."
Perfect words for that image.


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