a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday's Facts From At The Farm

Good compost piles steam when you turn them.  This is our perpetual pile of poop and other organics.  The tomatoes and corn surely like it.  The roses too.
Sometimes animals are more talented than humans.
Just think how much tissue we would save...gross!
Clover glistens with rain drops
Only one of many that brings life to our valley.


Lynne said...

Raindrops on Clover was a pleasant picture . . .
Manure piles and mucous views . . . not so much . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob is sitting here watching the news and i turned on the creek video and his head snapped around and said what is that, i showed it to him and he said i like that sound... gross is right on the cow without kleenex

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a steaming hot mess of poop...

TexWisGirl said...

i'm glad horses don't do that - of course, they just snort the snot out. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Fresh clean country air...just don't step in it...LOL!!!!...:)JP

Ginny Hartzler said...

The fast flowing creek is awesome! And you have several? I would love to just sit by them, and I like the lovely noise they make, too.

LindaG said...

Great photos. Have a wonderful Friday!

Farm Girl said...

What a lovely video, I love that sound, I don't think I would ever go in the house but live right there next to it.
Very great shots today. I always have enjoyed watching the hot manure pile.
Good stuff there. :)

LilliStJohn said...

You guys really do not want to know what the poop compost is in most rice fields in China......or have you already guessed or know.When Jack was a puppy, I always had to make sure all poop was picked up - for some reason she took a liking to it an i caught her more than once for droppings I had missed. I had to teach her....POOP is not dog food. ha,ha This is kind of a shitty conversation. he,he being bad - please forgive :) Hugz to Marcy n all.

Sandy Livesay said...

Fresh fertilizer, what a wonderful gift for your garden :-)

All that fresh water running fast and furious. It's pretty, is this your creek you've talked about?

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