a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Fresh cold water Atlantic
Sounded good
I viewed the tank
Full of them
Backing away
With weapons banded
I could not choose
And wasn't

For Imaginary Garden With Real Toads


Outlawyer said...

Very well described. Yes, I remember this too, from when I was a child--both fascinated, horrified--I still don't care for lobster. Thanks. k.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree.

Anonymous said...

'Tis a sad sad sight indeed to see the poor things all trussed up in their tank.

Jazzbumpa said...

as bad as that seems
they still aren't treated as badly
as animals on industrial farms


Lynne said...

Brought a smile. I was looking at the lobster at Red Lobster with the bands around their mouth, legs.
I thought, no way could I choose one to kill to eat.
(I did a live lobster boil with a teacher friend back in the 60's when we were out east though. I was a kid then . . .)
I have missed you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have just described exactly what i feel when i see them in the grocery stores. i don't go to restaurants that have live lobster. i used to cry when mother dumped a basket of live crabs into boiling water... and refused to eat them then and now...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

There is no way I could pick out a live lobster and say I want to eat that one.

Inger said...

I too agree about lobsters. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a meaningful comment. There's healing in nature and I am glad to live in the midst of it.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I believe we would stop eating a lot of things, if we had to look at them before the butchering... or boiling. So sad.

Other Mary said...

Oh I couldn't either. In fact I can't eat any meat. I remember as a kid looking at a hamburger and thinking, "I wonder if I knew him."

Anonymous said...

Aww :( I feel the same way. Love their beady little eyes lol

brudberg said...

Choosing your lobster would be hard indeed.. and then tortured to death.. good that you couldn't take it.

Haddock said...

I never liked the idea of "you fish and we cook" type of restaurants.

Arkansas Patti said...

I once dated a really sweet guy that bought the lobster I picked out, put it in a bucket, freed its claws and we released it in the ocean. What a guy. I should have hung on to him.

ZQ said...

Good read. But, from New England, they are part of our farms, in our seas,for our meals as well as on land ... in our gardens with our chickens, beef and wheat.
But, I do understand your sentiment
and your preference.

Lux G. said...

Seems to be everybody's favorite. :P

Anonymous said...

Nope. It creeps me out. They don't stand a chance. I love to fish, but I don't make them linger or become a waiting game. *augh*

hyperCRYPTICal said...

i have never tasted lobster too - for the very reason you cite.

I just couldn't and can't.
Anna :o]

Sherry Blue Sky said...

One of the worst things I have ever seen was my sister trying to put a live lobster into a pot of boiling water - it reached out its claws to hold the sides of the pot to resist going in. Oh my God.

Jim said...

Smiling again as usual, Gail. I love lobster but I really don't want to see him alive before he is boiled for me. Crawfish either.

LilliStJohn said...

Doesn't bother me in the least. Do you know how to put a lobster to sleep before you put it in the pot. I do. I have been eating lobster since I was born, as that is what we have plenty of here in the Bay of Fundy. I do not have a farm with cows, chickens, lamb etc, so we eat outta the Bay. I'll take that big one in the back, K.

Susie Clevenger said...

I am allergic to shellfish, but seeing my dinner taped and helpless would be a definite appetite suppressant.

Wendy Bourke said...

So true. Although I do prefer my food unarmed - I prefer it even more when it isn't moving. Even animals seem to know, innately, the food chain should move as swiftly as possible.

On another note, I enjoy your awesome photography, Gail.

grapeling said...

We predate on most anything that moves. It's important to look in the eyes of our food, I think, and you bring that to light ~

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