a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Unattended Death

Gets you a "Y" incision
They weighed and measured
Prodded and poked my organs
Emptied my stomach
To see what I ate last...
Dandelion, water cress
And goodies from the nut trees
My muddy feet puzzled them
They found me
Eyes wide open
Toward the blue sky
In the warmth of Spring
Unattended death
Gets me a "Y" incision.


M. A. S. said...

The muddy feet puzzle me too.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I hope her muddy feet imply that she knew what was coming and decided to go for a stroll, to enjoy Nature in the flesh one more time, to see the sky with living eyes...

grapeling said...

thought provoking - the y and why of it ~

brudberg said...

Intriguing.. sounds like a mystery novel... A Jane Doe found, and the muddy feet with the food sending the clues to the detectives.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmmmmm...all those things...eaten!?!?...:)JP!

Marian said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

me thinks you are watching to much TV or movies.. LOL... that has to be where your mind went..

Lynne said...

I found the muddy feet to be the easy part . . . no Y about that at all . . .

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he/she died of pure happiness being in the great out of doors.

Susan said...

What a corpse would say at autopsy chills my mind! This one, so yooung and innocent . . .

Artemis Grey said...

LOVE this, if not the fact that someone is dead.

Jim said...

It's law here (Louisiana also) that a death not in the hospital calls for an autopsy.

Gail, I wouldn't give up on those trees. Ours have bloomed and now leaved already, sooo early after our warmest winter ever. But I think where you are Spring is hesitating (we were up to 80F yesterday, 77 forecast for today).
BTW, you might like my John Deere I have for today. It's always Green.

21 Wits said...

Almost scary, surely chilling, and I wonder about those muddy feet myself, but I worry more about what was ingested! Yikes.

Linda Kay said...

Kind of scary thinking of an autopsy incision...you've been watching too much CSI.

Margaret said...

Well, from a country girl at heart who loves to be barefoot, I understand it. Enjoying the out of doors - better than dying standing in front of a kitchen sink!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I have always said that I would love to die in the woods, looking up at the trees and sky and not in a hospital bed hooked up to machines. I love your poem.
Lynne x

Susan Anderson said...

Did anyone ever tell you you're slightly twisted? (Oh yeah, that's right. I did.)


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