a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sweet Tea

A southern pleasure
Mornings and nights
In a place where humidity
Stands and walks
Iced Sweet Tea
Makes it bearable

Martins wing through
With bats dining
On mosquitoes
Sweet tea is the melody
To southern night's music

On the days
When you wear the sun
And walking
Is almost like swimming
Sweet tea cools
The body and the soul


Mary said...

You make me yearn for SWEET tea. (In summer usually I drink it unsweetened) I especially like these lines:

Sweet tea is the melody
To southern night's music

Country Gal said...

Sounds good ! Here we call it Iced Tea ! Have a good weekend !

TexWisGirl said...

you captured the essence of heat and humidity well!

Linda Kay said...

Love iced tea, but like to mix with non-sweet, so it's not quite the southern sweet tea. But definitely with ice tinkling in the glass!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love this
When you wear the sun
And walking
Is almost like swimming
Sweet tea cools
The body and the soul

it is sooooo true... i must have drunk thousands of gallons of sweet tea growing up. we had tea and water, that was it... and mother put enough sugar in it to hold up a spoon... we had it with every meal and in between and sitting on the porch sweating and swinging. every house we ever went into offered us tea..

Grace said...

Now I am looking for that sweet tea specially during summer ~ the sweeter the better, smiles ~

Anonymous said...

I love tea! It is my breakfast even in cold Norway. Your poem made me miss a nice ice tea somewhere warmer than here. You made me miss summer.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Forget the tea...you get Martins?!?!?!?...:)JP

Alex Dissing said...

Nothing better than a glass of ice cold sweet tea on a hot day... I loved the image you created with the "walking almost like swimming" line.

LindaG said...

What a great little piece, Gail. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah! Lub mah sweet tea!

24 Paws of Love said...

Very refreshing poem. Love it!

brudberg said...

I would love to have some warmth so I would enjoy iced tea, till then I will take my tea hot.

Haddock said...

Oh yes, sweet tea, and that too iced tea is something that I like and its the daily ritual now a days at home (with the temperatures soaring)

LilliStJohn said...

I have never had Sweet Tea - I've had Iced Tea and am wondering if they are similar?? OR Lemonade anyone? We grew up with Iced Lemonade and drank that all the time. I loved this poem - it refreshed me - just like Sweet - Iced Tea or Lemonade. :)
Hugz to M n hi to all :)

Sumana Roy said...

Apart from a few days of winter on most of our days we "wear the sun / And walking / Is almost like swimming" in our place. So what you say about sweet tea is sooooo true....

Gabriella said...

Somehow I do associate iced tea and the South.

Unknown said...

This could well become my favoured refreshment this coming summer!

Kathe W. said...

only had sweet tea once in Alabama while visiting....had forgotten all about it!

21 Wits said...

Oh my you sure hit my exact feelings, as I long to wear the sun, any amount of sun. Bring it on!

alan1704 said...

Loved the sweetness in this, but i could never get on with that taste. Well done.

Berowne said...

Walking is almost like swimming...
Yes, the days of high humidity will be here ere long.

Donna Smith said...

Loved "On the days
When you wear the sun".
There is nothing like southern iced sweet tea! It isn't just iced tea like we have in the north. Went to my grandmother's funeral in FL and the ladies made iced sweet tea. That was my first taste of it!

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