a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Nice Surprise.

Are you having a difficult time
finding that perfect present
for the person
you never know what to get?
Try a pawn shop.
It's another world.
Pawns shops are not the stores we had during my childhood, a place filled with cursing men and no children and women allowed. This pawn shop was a welcoming store with women in charge.  How's that for changing times?


Amy Dingmann said...

That yoda is awesome! We enjoy pawn shops and you're right, they're a totally different thing than they used to be. You can find amazing things...and some of those shops are pretty darn classy! :)

LilliStJohn said...

We had a pawn shop down on Main Street when I was a kid and we would stand and look in the window. As children, we were not allowed in until we were 12?? I was 12 when I was 10. he,he Ooh, goodness, what great stuff we would roam through and the stuff we got for our tree house in the woods. As the kids say today "Wicked Fun". Nice photos of this shop Gail, and did you find anything? Was Andrew there drooling over those guitars. This is really a nice shop and run by women, Eh - Nice :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

until i got to the bottom i was thinking this was the new bedroom in your house. LOL wow, had no idea. i was in one pawn shop in 1983 in a little town the size of 3 pawn shops. nothing like this. i do know my son shops pawn shops, he gets videos and cd's and all things games from them, they even call him when someting comes in he will like.

Country Gal said...

Cool . Like thrift stores and antique stores they have awesome stuff ! Hope you find what your looking for ! Have a good day !

Primitive Stars said...

Wow!!! like walking into another dimention.....neat stuff, yes, thew pawn shops have changed, I have found some wonderful old treasures in them....Blessings Francine.

Jane said...

I so agree, I love pawn and second-hand shops! In fact, I've been trying to get my family to agree to a Christmas where we get everything second-hand for a few years now - I think it would be a riot :D

Rudee said...

I bought my Wii at a pawn store and saved $$$$.

TexWisGirl said...

so true. :)

Farm Girl said...

Wow that is the coolest pawn shop I have ever seen. Is it near you? I could buy every single thing in it and my family would be happy. I of course want the pin ball machine.
Wow a Jar Jar, and a Yoda too. I bet you had so much fun.

Lynne said...

Looks like a fun place to visit!

Anonymous said...

I actually agree. I watch the TV shows and amazed by the things people pawn!
Merry Christmas!

Irene said...

That looks like a great place to shop at if you have a teenager or a grown up with specific tastes. I think I would like to hang out there for a while. xox

LindaG said...

Exactly! Like those little canister things I found. :o)

Your pawn shop is much neater than mine, though! ;o)

Brian Miller said...

nice...my boys would love the star wars stuff....hey dont knock the pawn shop you can def find some good deals there...

Susan Anderson said...

That looks like a super cool pawn shop. Do you ever watch those funny guys on TV? I forgot the name of it, but their show is both hilarious to watch and interesting.


Pat said...

I would never have thought to go to a pawn shop, but you've sure changed my mind!

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