a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Continuing Chaos...

It ain't over til the fat lady sings.
I'm not even humming.
Now you can see why I have had some problems navigating.
The guys felt sorry for me and gave me a hand.
Floor is solid and finished.
Now I just have to paint, install the carpet
and put all the furniture 
and tools in their proper places.


Irene said...

Nice floor, Gail, but it does look like you have a bit of chaos on your hands xox

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so talented and a woman of many talents

Sandy Livesay said...


See I wouldn't have been able to balance myself on my knees like you did. I would have fallen and gotten stuck, lol

The floor looks fabulous, and so will the room when your finished.
Great job!

Primitive Stars said...

You go Girl!!!!!!!......great job on the floor.......Blessings Francine.

the canned quilter said...

Wait! What is that tune I hear in the background? "I am woman hear me roar......If I have to..I can do anything"

Hugs : )

Josie Two Shoes said...

You're going to love it when it's all done and have the satisfaction of knowing you made it happen! But in the mean time... looks like a whole lotta work! :-)

LilliStJohn said...

My Dad would love this - a woman that takes charge and just gets the job done. My Mother was a handywoman inside and outside the house, as my Dad travelled up North to work many months of the year. I like the fact Gail, that you know what to do and if you do not know, you just figure it out. Looking forward to the complete project finished for Christmas. Now, do no start anything else till the New Year - YOU DESERVE A MUCH NEEDED BREAK :)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, glad they gave you some assistance! yikes!

Rudee said...

You are incredibly handy! That's something I couldn't do in a million years and you make it look so easy.

LindaG said...

My husband always leaves stuff where he last used it, too.

Glad they helped and it is done!
Take care, Gail! ♥

Michaele said...

You are both talented and funny! Help is always - a help : )

Unknown said...

Way to go on the floor! Accomplishments are so nice. :)

Brian Miller said...

oh that is all..ha...i am sure you will be glad to be done...so you can sing of course...ha..you made me smile with that...

Dar said...

Wow, Gail, you were knee-deep in a huge project. I miss the days of so much excess energy. Take a break now and enjoy Christmas with your assistants, so I don't feel so guilty. lol Oh, dandy meat grinder you have. We have a similar one too as we also make anything and everything with the wild game around here.

Lynne said...

Yippee . . . the end in sight!

Pat said...

That looks like some serious work going on there! Reminds me of the years we spent as DIY'selfers - room by room. When we finally had someone build a turnkey house for us, we thought those times were done...nope...16 years later, we are back to DIY again in many cases. Except for replacing defective shingles...we don't do roofs!
Thanks for dropping by to visit and take care around all that equipment.

24 Paws of Love said...

That looks like our house when hubby and I are working on it. Especially the tools on the table! lol

Susan Anderson said...

My hat is so completely off to you!


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