a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Mag 147: The Map

I love this challenge.  Every week Tess gives a wonderful image and challenges us to spin a tale with no limits on our words or our style.  We just have to keep it clean.  Visit Tess Kincaid at Magpie Tales to join the fun, you can write and you can read others.  I promise you won't be disappointed.


Some thought the map was lost
Of how the world used to be
They did not know the ancients
Carved the map on me

One girl of each generation
Was chosen to wear the cover
The carving the ink
Of past history's grand oeuvre

Now Earth's law was "No History"
No names to places past
I must remain forever covered
No one can see my ass.


Unknown said...

Poor girl who had to endure the pain of getting this carved on her. For enduring the pain, the least she could have is to have her bottom covered!

Berowne said...

"cover" with "oeuvre." I like it!

R. Burnett Baker said...

Makes us think, but also laugh at the same time! Re: your comment on Mag.....George Carlin once said, "There are no BAD words. Just bad thoughts!"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have seen women on TV that look like this, not a map but this many tattoos... great poem, poor girl

Brian Miller said...

your closing line gave me a chuckle....the first bit though would def make for an interesting extended story...

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha. antarctica could get pretty lumpy and large. :)

anthonynorth said...

Excellent and fun. Enjoyed that.

Dreaming said...

What a fun response to the image. I love the serious nature... that brought a chuckle at the end!

DCW said...

Witty with a soupçon of "ouch".

Jinksy said...

I see you got to the bottom of the problem! LOL

Kathe W. said...

ouch! very clever and witty

Doctor FTSE said...

Great idea made quirky. I wonder where Terra Incognita is situated?

Jules said...

Thanks for visiting my Sunday Whirl non-story verse. I looked in the Mr. Linky to see if you had written for the Whirl, but couldn't find anything. So I found this piece - to return the visit.

The photo and your verse remind me a book I once read where a gentleman was tattooed all over. When he died - his partner more or less preserved the tattoo. Your verse though makes me think of a fanciful tale that has yet to be told...will you tell it?

It really isn't all that sad for some - as in the case of my almost 90 MIL we are doing the best we can. But some of the choices that she makes are hers to live with.

Primitive Stars said...

All I can say is WOW!!!!! Blessings Francine.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ouch, that had to hurt!!! At least she'll never need an Atlas!...:)JP

Ginny Brannan said...

I like the juxtaposition in this, a serious beginning gives way to covering one's butt at the end. Great Magpie!

Pat said...

Very clever! I had to look up the meaning of "oeuvre". My word of the day!

LindaG said...

Very interesting piece, Gail! :o)

Other Mary said...

Hahaha - I hope everything comes out ok in the end!

LLM Calling said...

I love the idea that we are the maps of live, wonderful

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Perfect Gail-we all carry bits and pieces of the dna of the ancients- if you want to look at her "genetic map".

LilliStJohn said...

Ouch and Ouch - nice poem and giggle at the end. I do not want to see this map when this kid is 80. I see lots of young people with tattos and often think - looks OK now, but in 20 years buddy, yur gonna look like hell. I am just picturing the future nursing homes, filled to the brink with somebody's map. ha,ha

Anonymous said...

Ouch is right.

Far Beyond The Ridge said...

Snap! Crackle! Pop!
Never saw it coming
(or leaving)
Oh, but for the history untold!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love your sense of humour!

Helena said...

heh heh heh.......!

kelvin s.m. said...

..glad the whole world fits right in her skin... enjoyed your attempt... smiles...

21 Wits said...

I'm seeing just a slight touch of her delightful (bottom) Hahahah thought I'd repeat ass! A most delightful journey you sent us through, dashing us with just the perfect touch of wit and spice ! Excellent-ual!!!!

Susan Anderson said...

I like it.

Made me think AND laugh. A good combo.


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