a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, December 17, 2012

Changing Themes

I'm pretty laid back for a grandmother but even I can not stand this!!!  This was a football themed music/games/sleeping room.  I say clean your room but rarely do I step in. I would peek in and if his games were on the shelves and things picked up I would call it good.  

This has been declared a disaster zone and Chief Inspector Nana is taking over!  If this were a town, FEMA would be on site.  We are talking about a sixteen year old who does many outside activities but that is no excuse!

Returning from building fence Saturday the owner of this mess was met by one MAD grandmother.  I found a fork in the floor!  I guess you could say at least his guitar is on a rack but the other three and a banjo were leaned in a corner not even in their case.  

Respect your stuff or you will have no stuff.  That has always been a rule of mine since I had children.  Their rooms were cleaned with garbage bags in hand and if it was in the floor it went into the bag.  My girls seriously thought I threw their stuff away.  I sorted it all later and put it in place but I put the fear of room cleaning into them.

Andrew has just now met the mean mother that raised his mother and aunt. Woe, be very afraid!  We are now TOGETHER redesigning his room and sorting, cleaning, and throwing some things away.
Abstract guitar entry door is
just a hint of wilder things to come.
A box and a box cutter
make a new headboard in a teenager's room.  This wall used to be dominated by the bed from hell but now we have a normal bed.  Since I have no headboard I am making one...subject to change.

Andrew at sixteen wants all black but unless he's doing the painting this will be the only black wall.  I don't see a brush in his hand.

Yes, I'm mean.  From this point on, when we have shoveled our way out of this mess, this room will represent a young adult.  That young adult will have weekly inspections and there will be hell to pay if it EVER looks like that first picture again.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't think you are mean at all. Teaching a child respect for his belongings is a very good thing!

Primitive Stars said...

Yikes!!!!!! you are not mean, they have to learn to tidy up......Blessings Francine.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL!!! I just helped my oldest grand daughter organize her closet (it was GREAT fun!!)and can't wait to see if it stays neat!!!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you go girl. when my boys were in their early teens, they left their clothes on the floor. i put a basket at the end of the hall and laid down the law. when i washed a load of clothes ONLY what was in the basket was washed. a few days of having to wear dirty clothes off their floors, and they started putting them in the basket.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I agree with Colouring outside the walls quote above. You are a great Grandma you can tell you love him even if you are mean:) B

Lynne said...

YOU GO GRANNY! Teach that sixteen year old NOW how his room is supposed to look!

Country Gal said...

I'm with you . I always told my kids to look after their things cause it can be gone in a flash . As a kid I always looked after my stuff , kids now a days just do not get it they think they get another and money grows on trees lol We need to change that ! But now that my kids are older and work for their stuff they understand ! Good post ! Have a good day !

TexWisGirl said...

good luck to both of you. :)

Farm Girl said...

Well have fun. It sounds like you will and I am sure it will be such a nice room for him. When my daughter gets married in May, my 17 year old is already making plans to take over her room so I might be doing this too.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

You're not mean...you love him enough to challenge his lack of enthusiasm for what really matters....taking care of his belongings which reflects on how he takes care of himself. I musta done something right along those lines because my daughter is now the meany, meany bo beany about picking up. The grands when put to the task are excellent but like all kids slide down that banister of neglect if not reminded....I still am the reminder (nag). Oh well some things never change.
I'm voting you most caring Nana ever and someday in the future your grandson will thank you. Oma Linda

Jane said...

You go girl!! I have a few pictures of our son's room over the years that look very much like that first pic. We'd get on his case, it'd get cleaned and organized and then slowly descent back in chaos... it was always a losing battle. Kids have so much more nowadays than we did growing up and they generally don't prize their possessions - everything's temporary and replaceable in their minds. Thankfully, he's in his own apartment now (he's 27) and takes much better care of his things. It's great that your grandson has an interest in music - a room decorated around that theme just might help tame the problem :)

LilliStJohn said...

Growing up, one never left a mess, cause you only crossed the BOSS (Mom) once, and then you were in trouble. Having 5 brothers n sisters and two adults in a 3 bedroom house just didn't cut making or leaving a mess anywhere. Taught right from day one. Respect what you have, put YOUR things away when done or they would disappear. Good rules in a full house, "a tidy home is a happy home", Mom would say. You're not the least bit mean, and you are teaching Andrew value in ownership and cleanliness and respect of all that is available and around him. GO GRANNY :)

LindaG said...

You aren't mean. He has to learn sometime.
I fear our youngest still may not have learned, though he is on his own now.
He'll learn when it comes time to get his cleaning deposit.

When our oldest son wanted a certain color in his bedroom, not only did he paint it, he bought the paint!

carolina nana said...

Good Luck with keeping that 16 year old's room clean, haha !!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cleaning is a good thing..you go Granny..he will thank you for it someday..or perhaps his wife will:)

gld said...

This world needs more mean grannies like you!

I bet he will love that new room decor....he will probably need 'reminding' now and then though to tidy up......

Susan Anderson said...

Go, Granny, Go!


PS. My mom used to do the garbage bag thing, too. It worked.

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