a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Ghost Story Caught On Camera

I sat exhausted, vulnerable.  The most overwhelming feeling of sadness, hopelessness over came me.  My heart beat accelerated and a distinct heaviness centered in my chest.  I could not get past this depressed  feeling.

The circles under my eyes clearly show the effects of  dreams I can't explain and my lack of good sleep.  The extreme tiredness is mirrored in the folds of my face.

Marcy came to visit taking this picture.  The pressure is marked by the perfectly round orb centered on my chest.
I think I see a face! Camera malfunction?  No orbs in any other shots before this or after.

Does this mean something or is it a cock and bull story?

You decide.


gld said...

Uhhh....a spot on the lens?

I am a skeptic.

Unknown said...

Some one is with you! I have seen the same in some of my pictures, too. I have several shots of one subject and only one with a HUGE orb. I have been told there are quite a few spirits in my house. All good, though. I would look into this if you have this feeling often!
Good luck.

Primitive Stars said...

Yikes....you always give me goosebumps.......be afraid, be very afraid.......Hope your o.k. Blessings Francine.

Michaele said...

ummmmm...no idea. Take it to be the light in your heart trying to shine through.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is a trick of the camera, i have one of a lizard with the same orb..

Buttons Thoughts said...

Snap out of it:) I like to think it was something but anyhow it makes you smile thinking it was something so I am happy for that,
Weird. HUG B

Lynne said...

I think it is some kind of Extra Terrestial light emitting from the camera on to you . . . Or a dried dollop of ice cream . . .

CuteRimi said...

Hi, luv your post. I'm a true Ghost Stories lover and I'd like to add my own. I have a cat ghost and a human ghost in my home. The cat is very sweet and the human ghost has never harmed me or even caused me alarm. I had hints of his presents here and there but then one night he made himself more noticeable as a shadow against the wall. I was at the computer when I turned around and there he was. I said "huh" and turned back around and continued at my computer. I think he may be an ancestral guardian or something. thanks all!

Rose said...

Hi Gail, just by reading your posts this year i can tell its been a life changing year for you!
Retiring, hubby with his heart operation, sister marceys healthscare. you have been working hard with the house, i think you have become overloaded and exhausted. Try alittle lavender oil on the pillow at night, this can bring restful sleep. I think your orb is telling you to slow down alittle and maybe put yourself first once in a while.
I dont like to think of you sad as you always write so beautifully.
Best wishes jackie x

TexWisGirl said...

well, no matter what, i hope it moves on!

ellen abbott said...

Tell that unhappy spirit that is hitch hiking on your soul to vamoose. Instruct it to go towards the light.

Mary Ann said...

I believe.

Farm Girl said...

Who knows but you have had lots and lots of changes in this last year. I hope you feel lots better and you can get some sleep. I think lack of sleep can do lots of things to our emotions and our well being. As for the camera, well, I just don't know.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

well you know I am a giant woowoo so my take is that you had a something that was visible only for that split second and now, just in case, like Ellen said tell the thing to go towards the light and leave you be.
I'm gonna do that from my end for you as well. And for the skeptics...if you don't believe in magic...well you never will.
Oma Linda

Country Gal said...

One never truly knows it could be from a spot in the camera or on the lens to a spirit or just the spirit glow of your heart ! I hope your dreams settle down and you can get rest ! Have a good day !

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I do believe your light is tryin' to shine in the midst of darkness.

Shine on sweet sister...it's there even when you don't FEEL it.

'He never leaves us or forsakes us'!

God bless and have a bright and beautiful day sweet friend! :o)

LindaG said...

Yep. *hugs* ♥
God bless.

Susan Anderson said...

Dunno, but I do know that you are wearing yourself out! Time for some r & r.

You've done some great stuff, though!


Pat said...

Although you DO look a little down in the mouth, the "ghostly" image looks like a spot on the lens to me. Yet if it didn't appear on the picture before or after that one was taken, then, I have no idea.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Someone touched your heart..trying to tell you to take it easy. Find happiness in small things. I worry about you. Cock and bull story? Please.

LilliStJohn said...

I totally agree with "Roses Around The Door", as I have said all this to you before, minus the lavender oil. You can only push your body so far until you own health is at risk. You have worked these last months after retirement, pushing yourself to the extreme to get these "JOBS" done. Well, I think your body is pleading with you for some quiet time to fit in there. You simply have to obey your body's needs. You are tired and worn out ...didn't I say this somewhere else? You dou NOT have to do it all in one day. Remember Gail, the worry and the exhaustion will lead to sleepless nights filled with wierd dreams. If this orb is real, then it is telling you something or the camera caught a split second reflection off something in the light????

Josie Two Shoes said...

We can debate all day whether this photograph does indeed capture a spirit orb or is merely caused by something else... dust, reflection, etc. However, it is my belief that spirit orbs do indeed exist and manifest themselves at certain times or places. Just as with the living, there can be spirits of light and spirits of darkness. What you experienced does not sound like it could be anything good. It is also well known that spiritual energy tends to attach itself to people who are in physical or emotionally worn states, in other words, vulnerable. This is why so often people who try to explain things as physical symptoms are correct but fail to realize the connection. One can attract the other and it works both ways.

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