a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dry Weather Lake

The Lake Norfork certainly speaks loudly of our drought.
I have not seen these shore lines for years.
Not allowed to park on the dam, Hubby stopped the truck and said, Hurry!  Take some pictures.  No cars are coming.  So I hoped out and shot.  The dam was not generating power this day.  The river looks green with algae.
Below the dam the river famous for its Rainbow Trout is looking pretty sad.  The Norfork River flows into the White River at the town of Norfork.  White River is looking low too.  May the rains come soon.


gld said...

I think we are all worried about the lack of moisture all across the US.
I hope the rain gods smile on us this coming year.

Lynne said...

Maybe you'll get some rain from the weather that is moving across the country . . . Snow dust, ice and now rain happening on the West shores of Michigan.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have the same thing here, lakes and ponds are almost dry, some are, even the big lakes are down to where the boats are sitting on dry land.

Primitive Stars said...

Pretty but sad, hope you get the rains to freshen everything up, Blessings Francine.

Farm Girl said...

That shot looking down the dam gave me butterfly's. I hope you get rain too.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

We too are low on water. Maybe we should all do the umbrella carrying dance on the same day and hope for the best possible outcome for the drought ridden states. I'm in.

Country Gal said...

Oh WOW ! mean while we have way to much water falling here ! Our river is full . I hope you get your rains very soon ! Lovely photos !

the canned quilter said...

I was reading yesterday that the Mississippi River may completely close to water traffic soon. They say it will be catastrophic on our economy. I guess billions of dollars in grains, oil etc move on that river daily.

Dreaming said...

The weather across our nation is scary.

LindaG said...

I keep hoping and praying that you will all get some rain soon!

Great photos!

C-ingspots said...

We don't hear too much on our news channels about the drought that is covering much of our country, but the weather patterns worldwide are definitely changing. Rather than getting scared, people need to look up and pray about all their concerns. If that happens, maybe we'll be blessed and whatever needs we all are having, will be met. While your area is drying up, we are drowning here. So much rain! Wish we could share with you.

TexWisGirl said...

i hope so, too. we're a little better off than last year, but our lake levels are low enough to cause concern for water supplies.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow you do need rain. The photos are a beautiful view of a terrible summer and spring and now fall. I do hope the rain comes. Glad you did not get caught thanks for sharing. Hugs B

Susan Anderson said...

My son is in Detroit on business, and I understand they are supposed to have lots of rain today. I heard there was a ton of snow in Chicago. Hope some of this liquid is making itself known where you are!!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

From the news it sounds like you should be getting some pretty good wet weather. At least I thought it was reaching you.
NOt to worry about decorations. Lordy, lots of folks have done it for you in blogland. I wasn't going to do much and then got carried away. What else is new.
Good shots of the dam.
Are you sure there's no rain? Go look outside! :):)

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