a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Mag, Dire Consequences

Time again for Tess's prompt at The Mag.  Join the fun or just read other tales.  Keep it short sweet and clean.
Object to be Destroyed by Man Ray

Tick Tock
Count the knocks
Testosterone played
Estrogen lost

Tick Tock
Fred wanted to play
Sally fell
They carried her away.

Tick Tock
Sally's home
To Fred, "Wanna play?''
Thinking he would win
He jumped right in.

Sally cleaned his clock
"No more," she said
As she bashed his head
They hauled them both away.


Dreaming said...

Ohhh... I love the playfulness of this with the serious subject! Great contrast! Poor Fred - got what he deserved!

Brian Miller said...

there you go..back to the dark...haha...oh my...i think his eye got stuck on an arm...smiles.....lol...this has a fun rhythm to it that makes it all the more...intriguing...smiles.

Empty Nester said...

hahahahahaha Dark, playful, funny, serious--- You are always taking us back and forth in an intriguing way!

Country Gal said...

Dark and playful . Look out Steven King you have some real competition here !

Laurie Kolp said...

Oh, my... metronomes can really bring out some killer ideas.

Anonymous said...

Well written, though very deep and dark.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm always up for a bit of romance... and head-bashing...

anthonynorth said...

A serious subject treated with great effect.

Kathe W. said...

a timely piece that's for sure.
Well done!

Kathe W. said...

a timely piece that's for sure.
Well done!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

timely tall tale of tick tocking...

Margaret said...

That is a rhythm that needed to end. It is a strange combination. Reads playfully, but a very serious subject. I felt guilty enjoying it

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Ohhhhhh... Is this about sex? I could hardly remember how to spell it..or..do I just have a dirty mind. Probably the latter. :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Lordy, I'm the only one that said the "S" word! Oops!

Anonymous said...

Samacked that down, yeah.

Wayne said...

well done...thanks for sharing

Irene said...

People are always getting their heads bashed in over here. Is it a secret desire you have?

Tess Kincaid said...

Uh-oh. (giggling at Irene's comment)

LLM Calling said...

I love the way this prompt takes us all different places on a similar theme

Other Mary said...

I think you've shown us metronomes bring out the worst in everyone! Fun rhyme and meter really highlights your very serious subject matter.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the playfulness muted the tragedy in this piece. It reminded me of a nursery rhyme which hides some cruel thing behind the lilting words. This is very well done.

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