a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, October 7, 2013


with guards.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you lucky lucky girl you I am so jealous:) Great shot I am heading to the bush as soon as that sun comes up you have made me want to do that you know. Awesome shot. B

Josie Two Shoes said...

It is so rare to get to witness that, much less have a camera ready to capture it! Beautiful photo... definite Awww!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And great capture in black and white!

LilliStJohn said...

Really nice capture Gail - we recently had company from Scotland and we had taken the lassies out for a drive round about the country side. We had to stop to allow Mama, Papa and TRIPLETS cross the road in front of us - even enough time for our visitors to turn on cameras and take photos. They were so excited. Now one of the lassies wanted to get out of the car and go to the edge of the woods and take a photo. Afterall, she said "They are just standing there watching us" -I said they would bolt and wouldn't she rather enjoy just looking and taking photos from car rather than make them run.....sol, she just kept snapping. For us its quite common to see Mama and young family, but not always Papa too and triplets - so it was a good time shared by all - do you hunt as well, I just renewed my license this week. Have a great day and best to all :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am green with ENVY... oh my i would love to see this sight.

TexWisGirl said...


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cute! They ao very rarely stand still long enough to capture...I always get the blur shots!

Sandee said...

Awww...adorable and I love that this shot is in black and white. When I was growing up we lived out in the country and this was a sight I would often see.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday. ☺

Willow said...

Beautiful capture .
They will need those guards coming up soon .

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Your deer pictures make me ALWAYS think of the white deer. I loved her/him. :)

Kathe W. said...

great shot! we have a lot of deer around our house also...have a fabulous day!

Farm Girl said...

Wow Gail, that is something I have never seen in my whole life, a baby deer getting a snack. You must have been really quiet to get that shot. That is just amazing.

Mike Golch said...

every once it a while the deer would be in the condo's back yard but I never do have my cheap camera handy.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh what an incredible photo. Yes, they need to be so vigilant.
Lynne x

Sandy Livesay said...

Now that's a view I can never forget. I love views like this, sit back on your porch with some tea and watch all day long.

Country Gal said...

Lucky you seeing these beauties ! 5 years we have been here and haven't seen one yet whilst others have . Oh well one day I will hopefully get a few photos of them here ! Wonderful photo ! Have a good day !

Mary Ann said...

Love this picture, we rarely see deer here anymore, and I miss them.

Susan Anderson said...

We get a lot of deer around here, and I have a love/hate relationship with them because they eat the flowers.

Having said that, I love them more than hate them. How could I not? They are so beautiful to look at.


Lucky Lady said...

that is one of the best awws I have seen how beautiful they are lucky you

Unknown said...

Sweet :D I see lots of them but it's usually going 55mph so I can't take picture :D

labbie1 said...

Awwwwwww...game camera?

Michaele said...

You have been coming up with some excellent shots lately. Yea for the great outdoors!

Patricia said...

Wonderful picture! Rare thing to see. Thanks for sharing.

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