a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Two Shoes In Texas...Six Sentences

I can't imagine the fear that possessed this little dog when she was removed from her owner's home where she had always lived.  Almost one hundred dogs were rescued because the owner's health was not good. The dogs had been well cared for and loved.
Lizzy is a quiet dog and very easy to love.  She had accepted all of us and as tiny as she is, Lizzy thinks she's a farm dog and coaches on the side line.
Being a Jack Parsons Russel/Cairn Terrier mix Lizzy is no longer scared and has proven to be a loving companion, a watchful dog and just a tad spoiled.  

For Six Sentences with Two Shoes in Texas.  The key word is scared.  Thanks for the fun.


LilliStJohn said...

I remember when you brought Lizzy home, unsure how things would work out - she has earned that spot on your chair, bed and everywhere else she is allowed. She will be not far from your heels, because you brought her into your loving hearts as a family. lol

Lynne said...

Ahhh . . . brings tears. I remember when you brought her home. Such a sweet face!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Her little heart was broken when she had to be removed...glad she has you for comfort...:)JP

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She found just the right home!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

And you are an angel for taking her in. I hope the rest were taken to fantastic forever homes!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is so sweet and I am happy happy happy for her that you rescued her...

Sandee said...

I like the tad spoiled part. Very much.

Have a fabulous day and Halloween. ☺

TexWisGirl said...

she could not have found a better home than with you and your crew.

Sandy Livesay said...

Lizzy loves her new home. You can't pry her from living there. She's much happier with you then where she was before even though she was taking care of.

She's a cutie!!!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Lizzy won the lotto the day you brought her home to be with you At the Farm. She is truly one of the lucky ones. Oma Linda

Josie Two Shoes said...

Awww, this is a great "tail" about being scared. I often think of that with our little Sophie too, who we rescued from a basket in a big cage of many kitties at the Humane Society shelter. The moment I picked her up she snuggled into my arm, gave me a kiss and started to purr. I knew then she was just waiting for someone to come and save her! I saw how happy Lizzy was as she raced after us across the hills in the Ranger and followed in your footsteps across the yard. What a wonderful life she ended up with! She has no fears now, and is ready to be counted among the "big doggies" at the farm! THanks for the perfect story to make me smile today, and for joining us at Six Sentence Stories!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww, she looks so sweet, and a bit scared. So you heard about this story and went looking at the animals and brought her home? How wonderful! How long have you had her?

Anonymous said...

Lizzy is blessed, and so are you! No more fear, just love. Nice.

Country Gal said...

I to remember when you brought sweet Lizzy home , she was a sweety then and still is . Hey we all spoil our fur babies lol ! How is Andrews foot doing ? hope it is healing well . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

Sketching with Dogs said...

It is hard to imagine anyone coping with 100 dogs to look after. I am glad she found a good home with you.
Lynne x

LindaG said...

Wonderful piece, Gail. No doubt she is just a little spoiled.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh the poor thing she has a wonderful home now. Hug B

Old Egg said...

Pets soon realize where they are safe. They do however remember their old owners and have a conflict of loyalties if they meet up again. I enjoyed Lizzy's tale.

Susan Kane said...

Lizzy thinks she's
a farm dog and coaches on the side line.

Abelle | The Wows! And Oops! Of Life said...

She's lucky to have a new home ;o)

Susan Anderson said...

She's a cutie, for sure.


Jess said...

Awww,Im so glad she has found a happy home!

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