a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Random Thoughts

I totally dislike the Geico commercial with Old McDonald!  The logical way for Old McDonald to spell cow would be E-I-E-I-O not  c-o-w-e-i-e-i-o.  Remember the line "..and on that farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O"
 Spelling Bee may have a cute "Dagnabbit" in it but it doesn't make me happy.  Maybe the Spock in me coming out.

We go soon to have Andrew's broken foot checked.  Hopefully he will be running and dancing soon.

We had ice in the water buckets Wednesday morning so fall is leaving us (unintended pun).
The flowers linger.
 The moon still rises
At The Farm.


LilliStJohn said...

We had such a heavy frost yesterday morning - I am talking thick and fog until about 9:30, which wore off with the heat of the sun by 10. I went out the door to open gate for dog down into yard and almost slid out there with her. Put some non slippy stuff on the steps yesterday so got that done for winter. Yep, am dreading putting my bike away for the winter, but the day to do that is coming closer and closer. Nothing short of heated underwear will keep me warm out on the roads now. I might still get out for a drive after 12-1pm for a hour or two, so all is not lost yet. We have had thin ice here n there on ponds, etc
Hope all goes well with Andrews foot and he is dancing aboot real soon.
OK Spock, tuck yer ears back in and just let the song be. ha,ha Hi to All :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have a valid point about that spelling bee.

Lynne said...

I can tell I have been away . . . Andrew's broken foot??????

MadSnapper n Beau said...

here is your mission: memorize this and delete...
take that moon shot in to PiZap and zap it with Halloween stuff... perfect back ground

sorry the frost is on your punkins. we got a cold front today to. all the way down to 65 degrees... brrrrr. with a high of 77 brrr again...

TexWisGirl said...

we've had heavy dews and a few mornings that you could see steam rise off the dogs as they ran through the fields, but no frost here yet.

good luck to andrew...

Sandee said...

Fall is leaving us? Yikes. We still have leaves on the trees and I'm still wearing short sleeved shirts, shorts and flip flops. Yikes.

I hope that foot is mending nicely.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Pat said...

I haven't seen the commercial you are talking about.....but I hardly ever watch anything in real time anymore for that very reason. I HATE commercials so I DVR everything and zip through all commercials!

Andrew's broken foot? I missed that too!

We had frost the other night, too. What the heck? What happened to October?

Country Gal said...

I haven't seen that commercial here , but I get what you mean ! Hope Andrews foot is all better . Lovely photos ! Yes we had a light frost this morning it is sunny but windy makes it feel colder with the winds ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Sandy Livesay said...


I hope the visit to the doctor regarding Andrew's foot is a good visit (keeping him in my prayers).

The seasons are passing us by relatively fast, or were just still stuck in Spring!!!

Susan Kane said...

I absolutely hate that commercial! It ridicules the old-fashioned older farmer.

Ice in the water already! Dang.
Hope the foot is healing.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Hope everything is okay with Andrew's foot. Did you really have ice? I hardly dare say it but the temperatures are really mild for where we are at the moment - hope they stay like that for a while longer.
Lynne x

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope Andrew's foot is alright. I like the yellow leaves with the green down the center, they look painted. And they ARE painted...by God. Love the moon with the spooky trees.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh sorry about Andrew. Maybe the "Spock in me coming out"love that line now I know why we get along:) Hug B

Susan Anderson said...

So relieved to know the moon is still rising over there...


Brian Miller said...

hope the check up on the foot goes well....i rather like the Mayhem commercials personally...ha

LindaG said...

No frost here yet.
I don't care for that commercial either.
Hope there is good news for Andrew.
You all have a wonderful Friday! ♥

DesertHen said...

I have been dumping ice off the chicken water for the last few weeks. Fall is certainly here with its cold, frosting mornings and its warm days that tease of summer!

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