a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Mag 190

My name keeps me locked
Behind an inescapable fence
Every one fears my breed
It doesn't make sense

I'm like every other dog
I act how I am trained
I sadly watch as people pass
I needn't be restrained

Look into my baby blues
I am a dog
Like any other
Just a different hue

Join The Mag 190 prompt from Magpie Tales.


TexWisGirl said...

sweet pit.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is beautiful and amen to the poem..

Kathe W. said...

you are exactly right. Dogs only know what they are taught....just like us.

Tess Kincaid said...

Poor misunderstood boy...

Irene said...

There seem to be a certain kind of people here in the Netherlands who own pit bulls. And often they are the ones who don't give that animal the best kind of training. I know that sounds like I have a prejudiced point of view, but it is based on reality.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh what a shame. You only have to look at Cesar Milan's pitbull Daddy to see what a sweet natured dog they can be. It is the idiots who own them, not the dogs who are at fault.
Lynne x

Annie Jeffries said...

which is why i like Pits so much.

little wing writer said...

it is hard to see through a dog's eye...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Darn tootin! Nice take on the prompt!

Susan Kane said...

The eyes say it all.

Brian Miller said...

pretty sad when people or pups are treated different because of who they are....

LindaG said...

Great post, Gail. ♥

Ella said...

Well done Gail! WE shouldn't judge a dog because of a sad, bad few~

Berowne said...

Rather moving response to the prompt...

LilliStJohn said...

It hurts my heart when I see a dog chained and in a closed area like that. Looking out at the world and hoping to be there. I freed a dog once because of that. I shall tell you the story one day, but end result - dog is happy on farm :)

Bekkie Sanchez said...

Awesomely said! I wondered with the bulldog prompt when someone was going to write about this! And well done!

Margaret said...

This isn't a pit bull. It is a bull-dog. Which were bred for dog fighting, I think. When it became illegal in England, they preserved the breed by breeding out the ferociousness and keeping the sweet temperament. They are supposed to be amazing with children.

Here is an article: http://www.cesarsway.com/dogbehavior/basics/How-Did-Pit-Bulls-Get-a-Bad-Rap

I know your poem does not say it is a Pit Bull - but a lot of people who commented thought so.

I hear the yearning in your poem :)

Mujer de victoria said...

My GOD!! I Love the Pit. ♥

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