a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Two Shoes From Texas Meets No Shoes At The Farm

and we had a ball!!!  Two Shoes got to see I wasn't lying about all my messes and work I have to do. Wendy was a delight as was her husband John.  I think this is a lovely picture of Wendy but, alas, my model days are over.

I went all out for refreshments...Oreos and iced tea!

The time was spent seeing all the places I talk about on this blog, meeting our animals and just touring.  There was lots of laughter and even some mechanical break downs.  Tractor man had to tow us in the Ranger to the house.  Ah, such is farming.

Thank you, Wendy and John for taking a chance that we were not ax murderers and stopping by to visit.
Y'all are welcome any time!

Two Shoes word prompts for this Tuesday were peace or play.  I believe this may be a story about both of these.


Jim said...

This was a nice meeting, Gail. It looks like the both of you were having fun (girls just wanna). I did that in London this summer, meeting Joss, aka 'Soul Brush' (6WS and FB pal) there, and ending up bringing a pretty picture she painted and had for sale back home with me.

Be careful going barefooted. Mom always made us kids wear shoes so we wouldn't cut our feet on glass left laying around by former residents.

Old Egg said...

Good to know there are real people in blogworld! Glad you all met up.

Willow said...

That is a great photo ... look at those smile ~it says it all.
Glad bloggers get to meet on occasion. Sounds like you had a blast. Good going !

Unknown said...

What a great photo! Im so jealous! And Im not just talking about the OReos!

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photo . I am glad you all had a good visit . Thanks for sharing !

Abelle | The Wows! And Oops! Of Life said...

Sometimes this make me jealous that most of my blogging friends live in the US while I'm here in the Philippines. Haha! ;o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see TWO beautiful ladies having lots of joyful fun and I would have loved to be there with you and would have enjoyed the towing to... i would be the other barefoot one

Mary Hill said...

Sound like a nice, fun meet up. I wish I could meet all the wonderful, inspirational people I blog with in person. :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

It's always fun to meet someone you've gotten to know on the blogosphere. You too look like you had a great meet up.

Farm Girl said...

How fun!!! I bet you had such fun and I love your refreshments.
I am so glad she got to see your place and it sounds wonderful.

TexWisGirl said...

awww. too cute. you don't look like an ax murderer.

LilliStJohn said...

That's a real nice picture of you girls - sounds like you had a real fun time - I think we have a wonderful network of lovely blogger buddies. I expect Genie here nest summer?? Maybe even another one or two?

Sandee said...

How fun and I'd love to meet you both. We could have more Oreos and iced tea.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Far Side of Fifty said...

Always nice when two bloggers meet! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's cool you two got to meet!

Sketching with Dogs said...

How nice to meet a fellow blogger. That is such a nice photo of you both looking happy and having fun.
Lynne x

Sandy Livesay said...

Great picture of the two of you. It truly sounds like you both had a wonderful time getting to know one another in person.

Pat said...

Sounds like fun! It's always great to meet fellow bloggers and know FOR SURE that they aren't just your imaginary friends! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Gail! I have no doubt that it was fun!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Gail, our visit to your farm was one of brightest highlights of our vacation. We truly had a blast! There was no shortage of conversation, a whirlwind tour of many of the amazing creations you've seen here, and a Ranger ride across her many acres that left us longing for more! Papa Bear even got a turn at driving the Ranger home, and he grinned like a 5 yr old all the way. (Our Ranger at home was so very jealous of this gorgeous landscape we told it about!) People like to say that blog friends aren't "real friends". To that I say "baloney!" Gail is as warm and genuine as she appears in her posts, her home is a whimsical treasure, and her corner of God's green earth is a place I can't even find words to describe. Tractorman is such a sweetie, not only giving us the grand tour of their acres, but also encouraging an up close and personal visit with the resident big bull and his harem! :-) I got to meet and greet all of Gail's beloved furkids, and we talked non-stop until it was time for us to head on down the road and them to head off to their grandson's football game, which they won by the way! Nothing is more fun than meeting up with blog friends in real time, I encourage all of you to set aside your fears and "just do it"! Thank you for the amazing Arkansas style hospitality Gail and Tractorman, we left with memories that will keep us smiling forever (and longing for a way to move our box house from the dry barren west Texas earth to the green hills and rivers back east!

Josie Two Shoes said...

By the way, I love that you've adopted that new profile photo, it is gorgeous, and every bit the way you are in real life, holding on to one of your beloved rocks, this one too big for Tractorman to tow home! :-)

LindaG said...

That's great! Wish I could talk hubby into taking a trip that way sometime.

Lynne said...

What fun . . . I did a meet up with a blogger friend yesterday too! No ax in hand either . . .

Dreaming said...

What fun! I'm jealous! I want to visit, too! (Oreos sound wonderful!)
Maybe some day!

Susan Anderson said...

I love Josie's comment.

I've never had a bad experience meeting up with a blog friend, and if I'm ever in Arkansas, you'd better know I'll be trying to work that out!


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