a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, September 6, 2014


our collective family had cattle, horses, cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart trouble we did much river playing. Today we went again to some old favorite spots.  We caught a few fish but released them.  It was beautiful.
The boat that has set unused met White River today in Guion Arkansas, still a sand mining town and the place where Hubby grew up. 

The bridge that connects Izard County with Stone County was not here when we were residents.  If you wanted to cross the river you had to drive onto a state owned and operated ferry.  If the river was too high or too low you didn't cross. The citizens liked the isolation but things always change.
The boat unloaded was tested by Hubby while we readied things to be loaded.  The sun was warm but it was late afternoon so the weather was not as intense as it has been.
We flew up the river in the inboard motor boat that Hubby had considered selling.  Glad he didn't but it is difficult to take pictures when the speed does not allow you to open your eyes.
I risked a picture over my shoulder as we flew up the river.  Toni's hair will show you the speed along with the wake we left behind us.
Even the backwards shots showed the idea conditions for water reflections on the river.  
We fished on a creek off the river until sundown brought the fog with it.  It was time to head to the ramp.
Sundown, fog and speed...another shot over my shoulder told me I should have my life jacket on.
We beat the fog and the dark to the loading ramp.
A Blue Heron patiently waited for dinner in the river weeds. 

As we landed a gentleman greeted us seeking help. He had started to launch his boat and had some engine trouble.  He removed the cover, found an active wasp nest and in his hurry to retreat he had lost his motor cap in the water. Hubby motored over.  The men shined lights in the water as Andrew dived under to retrieve the man's motor cover.  My heroes.

Loaded, tired, happy with darkness and fog dropping their curtains we headed home.  On that ride we saw four large Buck White Tail Deer, one doe and a rattlesnake almost big enough to swallow a fawn. Pulling the boat, we could not go back to retrieve the snake...big monster.  He not only would have made a good hat band but I'm guessing maybe a belt too.

It was a good day and a good time to reacquaint ourselves with White River.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

A great get away...sometimes, people need speed...:)JP

Liza said...

Love the picture looking back into the fog. Sounds like one of those perfect days...well, I could have done without the rattle snake!

LilliStJohn said...

This is just what makes me happy. I have access to the waterways of the Saint Croix River and the Bay of Fundy and use them frequently. I cannot imagine going too far without my fishing rod, camera and walking stick. Your day on the water makes me feel very much at home Gail and I would have stopped for that big ole snake as I need a band for my Tilly Hat, or was it too dark by then? You don't see too many snakes around here, mostly 99% harmless and just interesting to watch. Sounds like you had a truly wonderful day and those are great shots with the "wake" behind you. Love Toni's curls :) Also love the evening shots and reflections. Lovely ending to your day to help another person in distress - that kind act just made the world more wonderful. Have a nice day - we are expecting torrential downpour today, so you know where I'll be, eh. lol

TexWisGirl said...

loved the beautiful, quiet scenes. you can keep the speed ride in between! :) nice of you all to help the poor gent.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you sure had a WOW day.. I loved the shots looking over your shoulder especially the HAIR in the wind shot..and i love the shot at the end where the river is getting dark but still light. good job helping they guy retrieve his motor cap.

Linda Kay said...

In my former life, we had a boat and enjoyed pulling the kids as they learned to water ski. There is something about the calm of a river that makes it very beautiful. Love the heron in that last shot.

21 Wits said...

Oh yes, a perfect day and place to warm your heart. So happy you had such an enjoyable time and more memories to treasure. I enjoy your storytelling too, just like picking up a good book on open water adventures and complete with a mention to rattlesnakes just to set the mood further!

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a fun day for you all. Love the boat, yes, can guess the speed from Toni's hair :)

Susan Anderson said...

Glad you got to revisit the past a little bit. I love doing that, though we haven't done it as much as we would like. I think we will change that in the next couple of years.


DesertHen said...

A day on the water is a great way to spend any day! That snake would have been something to see! We've had a few around here this summer, but not as big as what you described!

Sandy Livesay said...

What a beautiful afternoon to be out on the boat. Hold on......you did get some great pictures even though your husband was driving the boat fast. Tell Toni I want his hair, lol......

Susan Kane said...

Beautiful day, with photos to show it.

Didn't go back for the snake? Wonder what hapless rodent was inside. The only r-snake we had was at a phony Old Miner restaurant in Phoenix. Breaded and deep fried...tasted like bits of rubber.
Have a good wkend.

Brian Miller said...

sounds like a fun day away to me....ha...yes, put that life jacket on....i am sure the fish enjoyed the game of tag as well...

Lynne said...

Sounds and looks like a perfect day . . .
TRULY . . . big enough to swallow a fawn???
YIKES . . .

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