a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, September 5, 2014

I Tried...

I really did.
In a calm spot on the clear creek
the water bugs played.
I pulled up a rock and sat to watch them for a while.  I was envious of their speed and admired their coordination. The pictures aren't perfect but if you look really close you can see oval water bugs enjoying their day almost as much as I was.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I can see them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i see them I see them... been a while since i have seen water for them to float on... looking for scotty

TexWisGirl said...

rather artful!

Henny Penny said...

You have such a pretty creek to play in. Once in a while a water bug shows up in the goat's bucket of water and I wonder how it got there.

Sandy Livesay said...

Playing in the water sounds good to me too. I think I would have joined the water bugs.

Liza said...

I love seeing water bugs skim across the surface, but I haven't seen one in a very long time. You've given me a delightful reminder.

Empty Nester said...

The irises arrived yesterday! Just in time for the weekend- I'll let you know how it goes! Thank you, Gail!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I see them! Love the pretty ripples they make. And the brown leaves telling us that Autumn is coming. ;-)

LindaG said...

Perfect enough for me! Great photos, Gail. :-)

LilliStJohn said...

For me, nothing is quite as relaxing as listening to the sounds in the forest, or the sounds on the Bay or the movement of the tide coming in. Many people do not know, but the tide moves in quickly and like a swooshing over the shore, with all the power that is behind it. I see the little water bugs and have seen similar ones when we go near the river or bay. Lovely and relaxing. Hi to everyone and hugs to Marcy. lol

Susan Anderson said...

I had forgotten about water bugs. Loved your photos, and I could catch a glimpse so you did pretty well, I'd say.


DesertHen said...

They are so fast and I enjoy watching them skim across the top of the water. We have them here in the puddles left behind by the pivots that irrigate our fields.

Lynne said...

I can see too . . . very clear water!

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