a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The More I Walk...

the more I seem to need the connection with nature.  I grow calm, centered and relaxed as I explore crooks and creeks along the way.

First and most important of all is lose those shoes.  Get a direct fix from the soles of your feet from the power we know is within the Creation called Earth.
Shoes abandoned I hit the water.
The afternoon light was amazing and the water was cool.
Lizzy, Junior
and Bonnie had a great time.
Me, too.
The creek is very low but the rains will come again.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well, the dogs are always barefoot - why not you?
No snakes in the creek?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The connection to Earth is a wonderful high...:)JP

LilliStJohn said...

I wouldn't have thought of snakes in the creek, however; Alex did. Are there snakes?? YIKES - gimme those boots real quick - I like that sentence "Get a direct fix from the soles of your feet from the power we know is within the Creation called Earth. That is powerful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love trees, creeks, dogs and going barefoot, also wading in any water.. I am with you... you have the perfect place to walk and chill out... here when i walk it is a zillion houses and people...

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

back to the source....water. Joe and I were just talking about going to the mountains this weekend for a touch base with Momma Nature and a little respite from the tedium of city life. Linda

Linda Kay said...

What a lovely post...the cool water and walking in the creek sound so refreshing!

Lynne said...

Thanks for Alex brining the snake reminder for those cool feet. CAREFUL!!! PLEASE . . .

TexWisGirl said...

always love a good walk w/ pups.

Michaele said...

The barefoot dogs have had it right along. Glad you get to enjoy this live water.

labbie1 said...

Nothing beats a nice cool creek in the heat of summer! :)

carolina nana said...

nothing like a walk in nature to bring us closer to our maker

Irene said...

I would have liked to have heard more about this creation called earth and you barefoot on it. :)

Sandy Livesay said...

More rain coming your way this weekend. Enjoy this awesome walk through water and with your dogs.

Susan Anderson said...

I have been reading about "grounding" and was surprised to learn that scientists agree there is real energy that comes into our bodies from being barefoot on the ground. This was so interesting to me!


DesertHen said...

I find more and more that I'm turning to nature and the outdoors when I'm feeling stressed! After a busy weekend last week of working the fair, I came home and just spent time sitting in the coop with my "girls."

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