a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, September 20, 2014

With Patience

they will come.
If you cough,
they will run!


Bethany Carson said...

Wow! Looks like you got a lot of turkeys! Your captions gave me a chuckle... :)

1st Man said...

Wow, that's a bunch of turkeys. Hmm, what is that called, a 'rafter of turkeys' if I remember correctly?

So they scattered after you coughed...does that mean those turkeys are chicken? LOL! I couldn't resist.

Have a great weekend!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you are a lucky girl:) Fantastic. Hug B

TexWisGirl said...


DesertHen said...

Wild turkeys! Cool! If you sneeze will they leave? Sorry, couldn't resist. =)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot of turkey.. hello thanksgiving dinner

Farm Girl said...

What great shots of the turkeys! I love seeing them.

LindaG said...

Lots of good meals there!
Have a blessed Sunday. ♥

Linda Kay said...

Great post. My hubby will be out hunting these skittish birds when the season is in. Have yet to taste wild turkey, but hear it's a bit tough.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Oh Gail, you just made me burst out laughing. I even coughed, lol!

Lynne said...

Lots of turkey's!
What brings them in for a visit?
We are seeing many around here of late too . . .
Saw a huge fleet the other day with many, many young ones tagging along!

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha, loved 1st mans comment. We have a lot of turkeys here as well and not unusual to see a raft of em going right down the road. Now the problem is - there are American Turkeys sneaking into Canada all the time. They are beginning to mingle in with the local turkeys. I don't know in the fact that if they hook up and start having babies, they escape all the Visa laws, etc and I don't know how they got past the guys guarding the bridge. These new feathered turkeys are called USANADIANS cause, THEY APPARENTLY MET SOME HOT TURKEY GALS AND they are here to stay. ha,ha Thanks for the note and I have already spoken to Steve. We will surprise "A" with a late graduation present. Have a wonderful day, hugz to Marcy and lol to you and family.

thewovenspoke said...

Mmmmm..wild turkey. It has been years but was one of the tastiest turkeys I have eaten. Just have to cover it so it stays moist. Scaring those poor birds
Gail? hehe :)

gld said...

We just reviewed our game camera and saw quite a few on it. Also deer and several coyotes....and Sugar way back of the farm too.

Lots of fun seeing things when no one else is around.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- that's a gang of turkeys right there! If it was me standing there, they would have already taken off..I don't walk softly at all - try as I will...:(

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We haven't seen any or heard them YET!...:)JP

Sandy Livesay said...

Wild turkey's........time to fill thy freezer :-)

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