a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Calling...

Many voices
Called me
Ancestors of mine
And others
Asked me to dig
I heard them

Animals called me to heal
I healed then and now
But never got a paper
Training was easy
dogs horses
and chickens

My calling changed
To wife, mother, employee
Through all that
Animals and ancestors
paper and paint
Called...I answered
Diamond Lil, Short-haired Border Collie


T. Powell Coltrin said...

You are a master at poetry.

The older I get the more I hear my grandmothers in my head. They've got my number for sure.

Unknown said...

Diamond Lil looks like a love bug. How wonderful that not only do you write wonders, you live them. To heal animals, to dig, to live life with purpose and passion....and to write with such passion. Just wonderful.

Misha Gerrick said...

Always a great way to live, answering callings. :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We are all here for a reason!...:)JP

Mary said...

I like the way you have shared your many callings in life & adapted as they came. I get a picture of someone with a rich life here, and enjoyed exploring each new direction. I liked the ending -- that you 'answered.'

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Diamond Lil look a tad wet, I am thinking she has been in the pond again or creek.
I would rather be called for the dogs horse and chickens and not the other. to late, we have been there done that.

Gabriella said...

I liked how you link your various calls to your family history, and that you 'answered'. I also enjoyed the contented tone of your poem.

Grace said...

Nice that you answered the call to paper and paint ~ Nature is also a big part of your life I noticed, so its good that you are sharing your journey ~

Linda Kay said...

Being where you are placed and needed...great verse.

C.C. said...

I like that it matters not that you never got the paper to heal animals, but only that you answered the call!

Country Gal said...

Lovely poem . We all have a calling of some sort I think mine is the call of the wild and to capture it on camera lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

21 Wits said...

It's all we can do, and I thank goodness everyday that we get to do it all over again! WooHoo for us all!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And along the way, you blessed many.

Anonymous said...

Answering is the key. Your Lil looks like she could have Heeler in her. They are great farm dogs, too.
You are blessed, my friend...probably because you listen.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Nice header!

Sketching with Dogs said...

It sounds as though you have done exactly what makes you happy in this life, even though sometimes it has been hard.
Lynne x

Myrna R. said...

So glad you answered those calls. I lived a career and family too while pen and paper waited for me to answer their call. But now I've answered. I really enjoyed your poem.

Glenn Buttkus said...

I agree that your "contentment" shines through this wonderful verse. It is both wonderful & rare to be able to rise to the level of what we can be called to do; glad to see you have been so successful.

gld said...

Your biography by the side isn't true! You are not a 'simple' anything! I suspect you
are one of the smartest, most talented and nicest internet persons I have met. That last statement may not be grammatically
correct, but I hope you get the meaning.

Lux G. said...

The collie looks so cutie.

Our calling really changes as time demands. Good for you to have answered all. Ancestors must be proud. :)

Lynne said...

You mind thinks as poet . . . I am sure.

LindaG said...

A lovely way of telling who you are, Gail. :-)

Empty Nester said...

I do so enjoy your poetry. When it doesn't fly to far over my head. LOL Guess what? My irises are back up! I have one entire raised bed full of them! I think of you every time I look out there. :)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

No better calling than a life with animals..........I loved this.

kaykuala said...

Able to give healing wonders to animals is a sign of natural talents not every one possess. Such a wonderful gesture to share them with adorable animals. Love it Gail!


Susan Kane said...

"Many voices
Called me" love that first line. Very insightful poem.

Katie Mia Frederick said...

There is a time of no voice of creativity for me.. the bottom of a cliff that nows only time and not now for deLIGHTS.. AND there is this old photo of ancestors not seen before.. calling out to me to be more than bottom of cliff.. i hear.. i hear.. their voices so clear.. and the voices of all the animal spirits in pain of extinction are screaming at me to say something for them.. and finally my answers come from ancestors and animals true... literally 10 millions later.. i answer the call of the wild in and about me..true..:)

Anyway thanks for inspiring THAT..:)

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