a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ants In My Pants

in my shoes, on my legs and they weren't happy!  They attacked me so much I decided to make sure I didn't have fire ants.  Zoom in on this and see my new enemy.
I was not wearing my glasses due to extreme sweating conditions so at first I just thought it was some small stinging bug I had accidentally smashed.  I began to get cold chills, took some Benadryl (because I am allergic to paper wasps)  and called it a day.

My last clearing project had been completed and I had moved to my next restoration project.
More tiny excited ants!
Was it the chain saw, the fire, the tractor, or the mowers that had them mad?

My smarter (than me) sister said, "It's going to rain.  They're moving the nest and you're in the way. There's gonna be a flood".  Okay, that's logical.  
To my next superhuman job I had chosen.  Another over grown part we have neglected since all the rain and life seemed to get in the way. Dad had tall "deer proof" (ha) wire here and it sadly needed removing and clearing.

The ants were still out in force.  I had speckled legs and had to dance and empty my shoes again and again. I worked anyway.  Ants were every where moving house.  

Then it rained, almost three inches. and my sister was right!  The ants have disappeared and I can trim to my heart's content with no dancing.
One more spot cleared!  My table is a painted air tank with a piece of wood on top just right for two cold drinks in the shade.  Saved all the metal I found in the fence row and kept the old tree stump.  I have three Virginia Creeper wreaths also drying on the stump.

It's amazing how work you can do when you're not doing the ant dance.  I hope they're gone.


Liza said...

I didn't know that about ants. Can't say I'm a fan of the creatures, especially when they are biting.

21 Wits said...

Oh gee whiz I'm glad you FINALLY got them off of you! That's a whole lot of determination sticking through it all, but in the end, Ta Da! Beautiful little spot to enjoy. Just goes to show man/WOMAN is mightier than any ant!

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, I am sitting here feeling itchy now! I love your cleared spot, looks pretty. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

Jen said...

We have HORRIBLE fire ants around here (south Alabama). Nasty little boogers, aren't they? Dot some toothpaste on the stings - believe it or not it stops the itching and dries them out. Works on mosquito bites, too.
Lavender essential oil works the best, but most folks don't tend to have that in their medicine cabinet ;o)

Sandy Livesay said...

Bye bye ants!!!
Maybe it was a good thing it rained??

Grace said...

I am scared of those ants, their bites are nasty ~ Yes, its been raining on and off here ~ Enjoy your week ~

LindaG said...

Ants will move whenever they are disturbed, too.. I think fire ants are the only ones that bite? But I could be wrong.
I think if you reacted, they were probably fire ants; but I am thankful that they don't bother you any more.
Stay hydrated and safe! God bless! ♥

Carola Bartz said...

Ant bites can be painful - and you had an invasion there. I'm glad they're gone now and all the work is a bit easier now (without the dance).

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't do ants and if they were on my legs, the job would still be waiting to be done. i like that stump the chair is next two with the table. bob is allergic to VA creeper.. he gets a rash every time he pulls it down... glad your survived the ants and that the flood got rid of them

Sketching with Dogs said...

That must have been horrible to be attacked by the ants.
I love your arrangement, you can't go wrong with nature added to something man made, it looks beautiful.
Lynne x

Lynne said...

You amaze me, no way could I withstand the heat and ants too!
We just took down our tree and I think the mosquitoes had taken up residence in the tree.
I have bites all over!

Linda Kay said...

Some of those little tiny critters can really sting! Funny that they have now disappeared. Great job with your clearing, Gail. I can't stand for stuff to be way overgrown.

TexWisGirl said...

pretty neat behavior! good for you on rain! we're drying out.

LilliStJohn said...

Yep, those red fire ants take a heck of a bite outta ya and their population grows larger every year. Ouch, especially when you have allergic reaction to them. I really like those last two photos Gail. I could sip iced tea there real easy - no ants, right :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Yikes, sure hope they aren't fire ants but they are acting like them. One of the reasons I left Florida is that the state is ate up with them.

Lowcarb team member said...

I've never been fond of ants ... glad the rains came and they disappeared.

All the best Jan

Farm Girl said...

It looks like the perfect place to sit. I love those kind of wreaths too. I didn't know that saying about ants. It makes sense.

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