a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Morning's Too Early For Roosters To Crow

For some dratted reason, I can't sleep.  I have tossed and turned and tumbled and finally gave up and got out of bed.

Could be I have so many projects going, I can't shut my mind down enough to sleep. Could be the light from the waning moon, so I've shut the curtains.
Could be
we're working this pair overtime
and still can't catch up!
Of course I shed this pair as soon as possible.  The ground, believe or not, is beginning to dry and that makes it difficult to weed.  The heat and humidity has been extrememly oppressive but we keep on puttering.

New spark plugs and wires in our Gator, the push mower is working, a new trolling motor plug is ready to be installed in the boat.  Some tree trimming and regular cleaning has been done.  You can barely see where we've been but we have two large lawns, ours and Marcy's we keep mowed. Hubby is catching up on some brush hogging and life is going on as usual...EXCEPT tonight I can't sleep.

I have a couple out of the box projects I'm working on and trying to do my six month major cleaning at night.   Three rooms down and six to go!  Did I mention I detest house keeping?  About twice a year I wash the walls and oil the wood, while turning the place upside down, belated spring cleaning. Washing awful windows and cleaning cabinets.  And I'm thinking who told me I have to do this?

Tomorrow, no, today is another day.


LilliStJohn said...

I really do not like housework and honestly, I think we should all live in huts with mud floors. ha,ha Very little furniture and no knick, knacks to polish and a couple of windows and a door or two, large flat wooden porch with home made furniture - YEP, that'll do. Happy Independence Day on July 4th, as today is our big celebration.....gotta go get my bike ready for the big parade. Have a wonderful day and hugz to M - lol to ya'll.

eileeninmd said...

Our lawn mower kicked the bucket too, he tried all kinds of ways to fix it. But, hubby had to buy a new one. I do not like to do housework either, not when there are so many other fun things to do. Enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when you get as old as I am you can stop all that 6 month crapola that our mothers taught us. I did.. and i am thinking you are over tired and that is keeping you awake, that and the female mind that cant shut down... poor you...

Sandy Livesay said...


Not being able to sleep is the brain not slowing down. It's thinking of everything you still have to do or want to finish before quieting down and getting sound sleep. Maybe once you're done cleaning, you'll fall asleep.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I just commented about sleep on Magaly's FB comment. I am in a just put my head on the pillow and go to sleep phase. I'm probably jinxing it by commenting but.........in my experience not sleeping is horrible. I can't think when I don't sleep. Hope the Sandman makes a visit soonest......
I have always held fast to the thought that housework makes a body ugly and I'm not taking any chances, tee hee

21 Wits said...

I know the feeling, it seems my pair of lawn workers have been working double time too, all this rain, things are growing faster and faster. My rider is down for repairs at the moment (very bad, parts in today so I'll be pushing hubby to get her done so I can MOW!) Of course that makes my push mower the elite and duty-filled overworked mower, but the upside is, gee it's nice to be far away from WINTER. I keep reminding myself that daily lately.

Farm Girl said...

I never can sleep in summer or when there is a full moon. Never. Even when I was a kid. Except I would get up and get my horse and go for a ride.
I think I always just feel so much better when the house is cleaned within a inch of its life.
I can't sleep either when I have lots of projects. I hope you get them all done too.

Susan Anderson said...

Sorry you've had trouble sleeping, That's my problem these days, too. Kind of a drag, eh?

At least you're getting lots done!


Sketching with Dogs said...

I feel your pain - hope it is over with soon!
Lynne x

Debbie said...

i detest cleaning but i love to organize things, draws, closets...anything!!! i have lived in this house for 30 years and i have never washed a wall ;)

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to insomnia and chores. It is a way of life for me. I am glad you do have your man there with you. I live for the day that mine will be home with me everyday night and day. Everything is better when shared. Hug.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Then don't do it! Just go back to bed.

LindaG said...

It is so easy for you all to go fishing. You should celebrate the 4th by going fishing for me! ;-)
God bless you all! ♥

Arkansas Patti said...

First thing I pay for when I win the lottery is a live in housekeeper. A full time gardener who loves to weed might be my second.
Hope you get sleep soon and all your chores are behind you.

Lowcarb team member said...

Heat and humidity doesn't aid restful sleep. I know my Dear Mum always used to say don't worry about sleep rest is just as important ...so may you rest well and then sleep well.

All the best Jan

Susan Kane said...

just reading this made me tired! This sounds like the way my mother approached the big purge clean, with my sister and I in tow.

You impress me.

Lynne said...

Maybe it is time to get the boat out and go fishing!
House cleaning will always wait . . .
Happy weekend my friend . . .

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